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Yeonjun, we need to talk

Meet me at the SM building in my room today at 5pm
Seen at 3:36pm


"Mirae, I was honestly extremely worried about your text as it was very out of context and you never do that, so, what's wrong?", Said Yeonjun as soon as he saw Mirae opening the door to her room.

"Yeonjun, look at this...", gulped Mirae showing Yeonjun the picture sent by the unknown number after closing the door.

"But how? It was months ago and I'm sure that we were alone and if so who even sent you the picture?", Worried Yeonjun as it was going to affect his and Mirae's idol career.

"It was sent to me by an unknown number and it was my secret number so that was really creepy. They also knew that I was fake dating Sunghoon so that's also really scary.", Choked Mirae.

Years of training and becoming an idol known by many people would all go down the drain because of one picture.

All of her hard work would be discredited just because she kissed someone, just because she wanted to be a normal human being.

It's not like people didn't hate her and she was aware of that and maybe too aware. Mirae had many crushes throughout her idol life but she acted on only one of them the product of it being the photo and a potential danger to their careers.

Is it illegal to have crushes and kiss someone for an idol? Is it really that wrong of her to do so? Is it wrong of her to have feeling for people that she doesn't have a parasocial relationship with?

"Then we should tell your company and mine, right?", Said Yeonjun still unsure how to handle this situation.

"But what would our company do? It's not like SM gives a shit about me as probably their most unsuccessful artist. I mean I literally had to fake date another idol for publicity because I don't achieve stuff that other SM artists did."

"But it'd be better for our companies to find out before the find out because of it blowing up, right?"

"You're right Jun, I'll tell my manager and I'll see what happens, I'll keep you updated about it."

"Sure Mirae, I need to go now too as I have practice and I'll keep you updated." Said Yeonjun as he left and shut the door.


Hey sung, do you mind coming over? I need to talk to you abt smth/tell you smth

Yeah sure !

What's wrong though?

MiraeI'll tell you when you come over


"Jisung, I just don't get it on how I have to give up everything that I- I worked so hard for just because I decided to be human being with feelings for someone and now I- I can't even have privacy from my fans much less the company.", Sniffled Mirae, her voice breaking more and more after every word.

"Hey, don't worry about it, come here.", Said Jisung as he pulled her into a hug.

Mirae broke down sobbing in Jisung's arms overwhelmed by everything that was happening.

She didn't have the energy to do anything, because according to everything, she didn't eat enough, she didn't sleep enough and she didn't have the mental capacity to do anything.

On top of that, with her fucked up mental health, she now had to deal with her career being ruined and then having to perform in front of a crowd meaning that she'd have to deal with her stylist again.

She spent probably the next half an hour or maybe even more just crying and letting out all of her emotions that she had bottled up and then when Jisung checked up on her next, she was sleeping.


When Mirae woke up, she realised that it was now late at night and that she fell asleep and now Jisung was too.

Mirae had yet to tell her manager about this so she quietly left the room and quickly tried to find her manager.

Mirae was nervous to tell her manager even though she was probably the sweetest of the staff in SM.

After a while, Mirae finally found her manager.

"Eunsoo unnie, I have to tell you something and it's very serious...", Said Mirae, her nervousness disappearing after seeing her managers kind looking face.

"What's wrong? Is it something related to saesangs? SM never fixes that problem...", Eunsoo fretted feeling the emotion of worry for the idol in front of her.

"You know Yeonjun from tomorrow by together?" Eunsoo nodded and Mirae continued, "Well we kissed a few months ago in the privacy of my dorm and there's a creepy person sending me a picture on my second number saying that they'll release the pictures because I just now realised that it's the perfect time because the public thinks I'm dating Sunghoon and it makes it look like I'm cheating and that is a truly career ruining scandal." Stressed Mirae slowly realising that the situation was even more fucked up that she thought.

"Don't be worried Mirae, you look tired. Sit down and I'll talk to someone on how to identify the person and file a lawsuit okay? You don't have to worry as long as Yeonjun talks to anyone in the company the everything will be sorted out. If the person releases these photos I'm sure that you'll be out on hiatus so don't and go back to your room don't worry.",  Soothed Eunsoo and then calling someone on her phone.


**Insert a zoomed pic of Mirae and Yeonjun kissing bc I ain't gonna save a picture of ppl kissing thanks to my family**

Article: K-pop idol Mirae cheating on Enhypen's Park Sunghoon? Pictures of Song Mirae kissing another idol released. CLICK NOW TO READ MORE

And just like this, the deed was done, this was the day Mirae's career changed forever and she could not do anything about it.


Okay so the chapters in finally out and it is gonna be chaos for the next few chapters too and basically it also includes a lot of tough times for Mirae so yeah. I hope you all had fun reading <33

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