Anthropophagus KTH « one shot »

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" After finally dolling yourself up, you went to the living room to check if you put everything in place, and if everything was set. As you heard the knock, you once again set your hair for the last time, and went to open the door. It was taehyung. A sly smirk appeared on your face as you heard him. You smiled broadly as you opened the door and welcomed him in. "

Y/N : hey taehyung.... I'm glad you're here.
" he smiled back. "

Taehyung : happy birthday Y/N... you look gorgeous in this dress.

" taehyung and you were friends for a month or two by now. You knew him from your friends. He wasn't that much of a close friend, but a very kind and considerate one. And you invited him to your birthday party today. He was the first one to come. "

Y/N : wanna see my house ?
" you asked as it was his first time visiting your house. "

Taehyung : yeah, sure...
" you showed him around your house. The kitchen, bedroom, balcony, store room, and you both finally stopped at the dining table. He was looking on the table, at how many dishes you prepared. "

Taehyung : wow. You prepared all of these ? " you hummed " but everything looks vegetarian. Didn't you make any meat for us ? You know, I love meat.

" you smirked, as you were ready to answer him back. "

Y/N : I'm sorry. I don't eat meat. So I couldn't cook it.

Taehyung : why ? I mean why don't you eat meat ?

Y/N : it's a long yet terrifying story. I don't wanna make you scared by saying it to you.

Taehyung : I really don't mind. Plus we are friends after all. I'll always accept it, no matter what it is. You are free to tell me anything. Don't worry. I'll keep it a secret from others.

Y/N : really ? Ok, listen then..... The reason why i didn't prepare any animal meat, is because I prefer human meat.
" he was looking at you with full of shock consumed in his face. "

Taehyung : Y/- Y/N.... what are you talking about ?

Y/N : I know this might sound a bit creepy, but it's true. " you smirked devilishly. " it was like this from a very young age..... I used to live with my friends, in a countryside. My friend Emma and I used to live together. And she used to bring home human meat and cook it for herself and eat it.... I used to be disgusted by seeing her eat it, but once she forcefully made me eat it, and that's when I realised.....  " you gave a deadly smirk. "  it was really addictive, and I was addicted to it.

" after a long pause, of being scared. He spoke again. A bit in a sloppy way. "

Taehyung : you really got me, Y/N.... I really believe it for a second. Woah, your good at it....
" he laughed a bit casually. You immediately took the knife placed on the counter and placed it on his neck, pinning him to the wall nearby. You smirked victoriously and spoke devilishly. "

Y/N : you're really underestimating me, taehyung.... And to be completely frank with you, you are the only one whose been invited to this party. Cause, this isn't a birthday party, but we can celebrate you last day on this planet...

" he pushed me back hard, probably cause he is scared. He walked away from me and went to the living room. You laughed and went to the balcony, to call your best friend. "

Jungkook : Is your prank done ? Now can we come ?
" you giggled cutely. "

Y/N : hmmm... did I keep you guys waiting for long ?

Jungkook : A bit, but it's fine -
" suddenly a slicing sound came. After a while, a sound of someone dragging a body and their steps walking close, made you distracted from the phone call. "

Y/N : Jungkook, give me a second. I'll call you later.

Jungkook : Y/N... what were those sounds ? Is everything alright ?

Y/N : Probably... I think he is just a bit shocked. I'll be right back.

" saying that, you cut the call and went inside the house. And what you say next made you loose your balance and almost collapsed. Your phone fell down from you're  phone, by whose sound taehyung got distracted and looked at you. And his dark eyes, full of evilness, made your spine go weak. There was a dead body lying down on the floor, and it- it was your neighbour. She had a bouquet in her hands which was now covered in blood. You were shivering as hell, as you walked your steps back. "

Taehyung : I'm really sorry, I killed her out of the blue, but when you said that you were also like me, I was really thrilled to eat human meat with you. But how ironic it is that you didn't know I was a cannibal too, and planned on killing me to satisfy you cravings. But don't worry, since no one is coming, let me prepare the food. We can use the food you made as the side dishes....

Y/N : Tae- taehyung...... Wha- what are you t- talking about..... are you for real ?

Taehyung : I'm really glad that you opened up with me and told about it, and now it's my turn.... Y/N, i didn't have any friends to introduce human flesh to me.... It was me who learned about it.... You know, my father was a serial killer, and he used kill people almost everyday, and it used to hurt me feeling to just throw the bodies out... and we'll that idea was really a good one, cause my father used yo barely feed me, so I fed on them..., I used store them and then cook it. And just like you said, it was really addictive......

Y/N : Taehyung.... Are you actually meaning it ?
" you were petrified, and to be frank that would be a very understatement, for the fear you were feeling just by looking at the dead body in front in you. He was frightening you. Was he the real side of Kim taehyung ? A person who kill people to just eat them ? "

Taehyung : Ofc, I know I made a mess of your house, but after eating I'll help you clean up. Now, mind helping me with the cooking ? You know, generally I do these things very silent and secretly, but when you said that you loved human meat, I just couldn't control it. I never thought I would share human meat with anyone before.

Y/N : Taehyung, please -
" suddenly the door bell rang. Probably they all came... taehyung eyes shifted to the door and then shifted to me. "

Taehyung : Y/N.... You said you didn't invite anyone.. who is it ?
" you walked back trying to go into a room and call someone for help, but before you bend down to take your phone, he was quick with his actions, and took it before you did.... "

Y/N : Taehyung, wha- what are you do- doing ? Please give me b- back my ph- phone.

Taehyung : Was this all planned ? Now answer me before I loose my patience, WHO IS OUTSIDE THE DOOR ??!

Y/N : Jungkook, please help me....
" you said with your broken voice. "

Taehyung : Jungkook ? So you did invite everyone, then why all this game ? You really are something Y/N.
" he said coming close to you. He pinned you to the wall, putting his hands on both of the sides trapping you in his hands. "

Y/N : Jungkook please-

Taehyung : Too late princess..

Y/N : Taehyung no- aaaarrrhhhh.....
- knife stabbing sounds and blood splashing sounds -

                                                                                              THE END

Anthropophagus KTH « one shot »Where stories live. Discover now