Demon Lord of Gluttony - Mash x Male Reader (Part 1)

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"My Lord, please allow me to massage your majestic tail...!"

"No, please let me do it instead!"

"Choose me, my Lord~"

You sighed, reclining lazily on your throne as you took a sip of your wine, eyeing the clamoring imps at your feet as they stepped on each other in an effort to catch your attention.


"You useless things." You growled, brow twitching in annoyance as one of the imps' claws accidentally swiped your leg and drawing your precious blood. The other imps froze before backing away from the imp with the bloody claw, not wanting to get caught on the incoming punishment.

"F-Forgive me, my lord!" The imp stuttered, bowing repeatedly in fear as it trembled under your piercing snake-like glare. It felt like its entire being is being strangled with your gaze alone and yet at the same time...

The imp can't help but feel admiration for you even though it knows that death awaits. At the very least, it'll die under your hands.

"You've ruined my appetite." You scoffed, throwing the wine to the ground. Shards flew everywhere as whatever's left of the wine spilled to the carpet. The imps frantically crawled towards the spilled wine, licking on it, not even minding the shards that get caught on their tongues.

Your scaly, hard tail unwrapped from its coil and slithered towards the trembling imp before constricting around the imp, tightening ever so slowly. The imp lets out shrieks of pain as it feels its bones cracking, organs moving around frantically as its occupied space narrows every second. Blood spurted everywhere, coating your tail and making it shine in a beautiful yet deadly display.

The other imps doesn't care about the dying imp anymore.


You tilted your head in wonder as a familiar summoning circle appeared in front of your very eyes. "What a surprise."

It has been centuries since a human has completed your ritual. The last one that succeeded was a love-stricken, desperate king who wanted a cure for his bedridden son. Upon learning of your ritual, he murdered every virgin maiden living under his kingdom and used their blood to draw the symbols.

You only needed one though. What a fool.

Amused by the king's actions, you gave the son a sip of your blood and he was cured in an instant, eyes opening in a daze and gazing upon you blankly. You let out a grin, raising a hand to gesture towards the king.

"Won't you hug your father?"

That's what you said to the son. The king was ecstatic, not noticing the almost mechanical way the son's head turned to look at him. Following your command, the son got up from his bed and hugged the king.

Seconds pass as the king wept happily not noticing the embrace that was tightening slowly. Even in his death he remained oblivious, expression morphed into a smile as blood replaced the tears running down his face.

You laughed, holding on to the soul of the king in the palm of your hands before swallowing it with relish, snake-like tongue curling in appreciation at the taste of a genocidal soul.

And with a gust of wind that blew off the lights of all candles in the room, you vanished from the human realm. Leaving the son, who has awaken from your possession, to realize what he had just done.

His cries of anguish was music to your ears.

You stood up from your throne and flicked your tail, removing the dirty blood off your tail. You nonchalantly walked towards the summoning circle before glancing back towards the other imps.

Mashle: Magic and Muscles x Reader (One Shots / Smut)Where stories live. Discover now