To become a good alpha - Alpha!Mash x Alpha!Male Reader

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You hummed as you glanced at the mechanical watch on your wrist, tapping your feet on the ground as you leaned against the wall of the Adler's dorm entrance gate, waiting for Burnedead to appear.

You discreetly listened as the whispers of other students reverberated as they passed by, smirking to yourself as they noted of your handsome, clean appearance. The alphas glowering as they scented your 'high-degree' pheromones, feeling attacked by your scent. While the omegas shivered, unconsciously taking steps closer towards you only to be pulled back by their alphas, making them blush in shame as those alphas glare at you.

You sighed, running a hand through your hair nonchalantly while ignoring all of the commotion. Feeling your ego rise as the 'inside' you danced around in your head gleefully.

You hear someone call out your name and you turn towards that voice, seeing Finn Ames who's looking at you with dread in his face. You nodded at him silently before looking past him and towards the person you're actually waiting for.

"Burnedead." You called out making him tilt his head questioningly. Your brows twitched in slight annoyance at his devil-may-care attitude. "...Don't tell me you've forgotten me already."

"Um..." Mash averted his eyes before Finn walked up to whisper something at him. His eyes glinted as he recalled his memories. "Oh. You're that guy..." He stared at you, warily. "Creampuff murderer..." He mumbled.

Finn twiddled his hands nervously. "A-Are you here to fight him again?" He asked you. Mash stared at you, flexing his hands. "Look. Please give up on her. Lemon's only interested with this guy..." He said, pointing at Mash.

You glowered at them silently, making Finn nervous and Mash to slowly take a fighting stance. Then you suddenly laughed, surprising them both.

You put a hand to your chest and grinned. "A correction. I've already given up on her." You palmed your right cheek, remembering the pain when he socked you clean yesterday.

Yes... You fell in love with the blond-haired omega, Lemon Irvine, back at the entrance examination, when she helped you at one of the trials. She held out a hand to you, her honey-colored eyes staring at you concern as you lay slumped on the ground.

It was love at first sight for you. You tried to look for her at the end of the exams but she has seemingly disappeared. It was a month later before you found her again, talking to a male student. You tried to approach her, wanting to show interest in courting her when she suddenly hugged the student with a fond smile.

Your eyes went red and before you knew it, you were challenging him into a fight. To which he proceeded to beat the crap out of you after snapping your wand in half, rendering your magic useless. You were then taken to the nurse's office by the same guy where you spent the rest of the night laying in bed in agony, thinking of your life choices and how you got there.

The following day, you've made your mind. That's why you are here, in front of House Adler's dorm and talking to the guy who just beat you yesterday.

Mash blinked, feeling weirded out by your sudden change of attitude compared to yesterday when you suddenly jumped at him, casting offensive spells at him without pause. In fact, the only reason he retaliated was because one of your spells hit him right in his chest where he hid his creampuffs.

When he checked up on the creampuffs, they have all turned into one big mushy mess. He felt his anger rise and before he know it, he was punching you in the face. He wanted to avenge his murdered creampuffs.

Seeing you laughing now... It's just weird. He know that he, himself, is weird, but you're definitely weirder just for the fact that you're laughing at the guy who punched you in your face.

Mashle: Magic and Muscles x Reader (One Shots / Smut)Where stories live. Discover now