[NSFW] Teach me... - Alpha!Mash x Beta!Female Reader

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Lance stared at the bright, red zeroes on the trial exam papers in his hand.  He's currently seated down on a chair while Mash is kneeling on the floor, a gloomy aura surrounding him.

"...You scored zero in all of your exams. This is way worse than being a slacker. At least they get more than a zero." Lance sighed as he pinched his nose in irritation, crushing the papers into a ball.

Dot laughed, slapping the back of the dejected Mash. "Haha! Flunking exams is a sign of a side character! Nice, keep it up!" 

Lance side-eyed Dot before throwing the paper ball straight to his forehead. "You're one to talk. Idiot."

"Ouch! What the hell?!"

"I tried my best." Mash replied, standing up.

"...I think your best isn't going to cut it, Mash." Finn sweatdropped, smiling apologetically when Mash lets out a somber noise. "We need to find you a tutor for real."

Lemon perked up, waving her hand excitedly. "I-I'll do it! I can tutor him... you won't mind right, Mash?" She asked, eyes blazing as she held Mash's hands. "Please?"

Mash shrugged. "I gue--"

"NO!" Dot shrieked, slapping the two's connected hands. Lemon squeaked as she was forced to back away as Dot inserted himself between the two. "I refuse!"

"Well, why not?" Lance asked Dot. "I can't be the tutor, I'll be busy next week. Finn's already helping Mash and that didn't work either." He scoffed. "Don't tell me that you want to volunteer... with your low grades? Stop joking around."

Dot gritted his teeth. "Dumbass! Of course not! Like hell I'm gonna waste all my free week tutoring him!" He looked around as he thought of a reason. "It's just... Lemon's an Omega! Right! We can't leave an Alpha and an Omega alone!"

He glared at Mash. "Who knows what he might do if we aren't here to watch over."

Mash blinked, tilting his head questioningly.

Lemon blushed, palming her cheeks and looking away. "T-That won't happen! Mash is not that kind of an alpha." She covered her mouth. "I mean... if he did do something... I won't mind..." She mumbled, giggling.

Dot's jaw dropped. "Lemon, what did you just say!?!?"

"N-No, it was nothing!!!"

"...What's happening?" Mash asked Finn. Finn coughed before shaking his head. There's no chance he'll be the one explaining this to the dense muscle head.

"Hm." Lance pondered, he stared at Mash. "Not that I don't trust you but he's right. For once." He said, ignoring Dot's 'tsk' of annoyance. "When is your rut coming?"

Lemon squeaked, covering her red face from the question.

Mash shrugged. "Don't know. I've never had one before."


"HUUHHHHH?!" Finn, Dot, and Lemon shouted in surprise while Lance narrowed his eyes suspiciously.

"Not even once? Alphas and Omegas go through their first heat/ruts on the day when they first discover their genders." He asked.

Mash nodded. Lance's frown deepened even more. "How is that possible...?"

"Are you sure you're an Alpha? Maybe there's a mistake somewhere." Dot asked.

"I'm sure." Mash stared at him blankly. "Unless you're implying that Pops gave me a fabricated result."

"T-That's not what I meant..." Dot stuttered, feeling the heavy gaze on him. Taking a step back and hiding behind Lemon.

Finn clapped his hands. "Guys, we're getting out of track. We'll think about the reason for his non-existent rut later. For now, the tutor...?"

Mashle: Magic and Muscles x Reader (One Shots / Smut)Where stories live. Discover now