Demon Lord of Gluttony - Mash x Male Reader (Part 2)

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"...And that is how I'm stuck in this ridiculous situation." You sigh as you recline on the cheap, wooden seat provided by your human. You stare with boredom, as the 'friends' of your human burst into a frenzied conversation. They're obviously overwhelmed by your summary of what happened in the past ten hours.

You rest your chin on your palm, tail flickering as you recline even more into your seat. The humans would occasionally glance at you before resuming their conversation, their gestures turning more animated as time passes on. 

In the end, the blue-haired human lets out a long, drawn out sigh. "What have you done, Mash?" He asks, rubbing his temple with his fingers.

Your human--Mash, gives him an accusatory look. "It's not my fault that you gave me the wrong directions for the library, Lolicon."

The blue hair, Lolicon. You swear you've heard it before but you can't pinpoint where and when you heard it. Either way, it's a very weird name. It seems that human has lost their artistry in giving names as years pass by.

Lolicon's eyes twitches. You can see the irritation rising inside him. "You idiot! My directions are crystal clear. Turn left at the end of the hallway, turn right at the cross-section, and enter the double doors that has a sign on it!"

"That is what I did." Mash replies, indignant at being called an idiot. Which doesn't make sense, as he is a full-fledged idiot. Otherwise, why would a child give their soul just to get their school work done?

"...You didn't!" Lolicon's voice rises. "You went right then left! And somehow, you didn't notice the sign on the door that says, 'Off Limits. Do Not Enter'?!"

"Oh." Mash blinks, tilting his head nonchalantly. "Is that what happened?"

"Sister, help me." Lolicon closes his eyes, hand darting to clutch at his... locket? He puts it to his lips as he starts praying. "Give me the patience and strength to deal with this idiot."

You resist the urge to bare your fangs as he prays in front of you. It's like you were seeing those delusional cult priests all over again. What a terrible memory to remember.

The other human, black hair with yellow stripe, raises his hands as if to placate Lolicon. "So what do we do now?" He pauses, then takes a closer look at your appearance with fear in his eyes.

You smirk as his eyes dart towards yours, tilting your head knowingly. He immediately breaks eyes contact and takes a step back, afraid that you would lunge at him out of whim alone. You shall now name him Scaredy-Cat.

Well of course, it's normal for him to be scared. Even if you're sitting down, it can't hide the fact that you tower over all of them. Not to mention the intimidating, sharp claws that will cut you open with just one simple touch.

Those foolish imps that tried to rebel against you are very clear of that fact. Even now, you still relish the feeling of their minced innards between your claws. Or their still-beating hearts pierced by your tail, proven that they're a slightly worthy adversary.

You sneer at them. "There is nothing you can do. His fate is sealed."

Lolicon and Scaredy-Cat raise their wands vigilantly as you hold out your claw and a beautiful but fierce purple fire magic bursts out from your palm.

Their eyes widen.

It was a simple fire magic, but you casted it without a wand or saying a word. To put it simply, you casted a non-verbal, wandless magic. A testament to how powerful your magic is.

Scaredy-Cat hides behind Lolicon, peering over his shoulder as the reality that he is a few steps away from a powerful demon hits him.

The fire crackles as it becomes bigger. Any other time and they would've admired this sight. But right now, all they feel is doom as the heat inside the room rises until sweat is dripping down their faces like waterfall.

You've reached the end of published parts.

⏰ Last updated: Apr 25 ⏰

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