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I hear my alarm go off. Im still tired from traveling,but it was Monday,i needed to get to school.

I put on an oversized t-shirt and some baggy jeans.I wanted to make a good impression so i spent more time on my makeup than i normally do,i wanted this to be perfect.I put my hair in a high ponytail with 2 front pieces of my hair sticking out. 'Damn i look hot!' I hype myself up.

I go downstairs to see my mom making breakfast.
'Vic,could you go wake up your brother please?' my mom asked me with a smile on her face.
'Of course' i say with a smirk before filling up a glass with water and going up to his room.

I find my brother hard asleep,most of his pillows on the floor.I had a small laugh before pouring the water all over his face. 'Wake up dickface its time for school' i say to him with a sarcastic smile on my face.

Finally after what felt like ages,he comes down,leaving us 10 minutes to get to school,but of course,his fatass needed to get some food before we left.I told him i'd drive while he ate,so he agreed without arguing and just got in the car.

I kinda got lost while driving,making us about 15 minutes late to school, plus an extra 10 minutes trying to find our classrooms.

'Look who decided to finally show up'. I look up and see the teacher raising her eyebrow. 'Sorry miss won't happen again' Fast forward that happened like 20 more times. But anyways the teacher told me to sit in the back of the class.

I go and find my seat,i was sitting next to a kid with black spiky hair, it looked good and creative.
'I like your hair' i told him. 'Oh thanks! I love your shirt' he smiled at me. I didn't really understand what he said,so i just looked like an idiot trying to understand what he said while smiling awkwardly. 'You didn't understand that did you' said the kid with the funky hair.
'Yea nope i didn't' i told him awkwardly. 'My names Bill,i love your shirt.' He said with a smile.
'Oh thanks! My names Victoria,but you can call me Vic' i smiled feeling a little bit more confident knowing he speaks english.

We talked through out the entire lesson and i got to know him better,he told me he has a twin brother and thats he's kind of in a band. I loved his vibe and his style,he stands out and i respect that.

Finally it was break, history is so boring. Me and Bill walked out of class together and he told me he would introduce me to his friends. 'Yea i don't know where those idiots are but im sure they will come soon' said Bill. I laughed a little when he called his friends idiots, i've never really had that type of friendship,it was more of a normal friend thing,no bullying each other,just gossiping. It was quite boring.

I was lost in my thoughts when another boy that looked like Bill,but with a much different style and dreads came up to us. The first thing i noticed was his snakebite,it fit him well,really,really well. 'Who's this?' said the baggy clothed boy. 'New friend,just moved from France,don't be a dick with her and don't flirt,you will scare her off'.
I was lost between what they were saying but just kept my mouth shut until the boy with dreads looked at me with a smirk on his face. 'Well hello,my names Tom' said the boy. 'She doesn't speak German retard' said Bill. 'Ok i don't care shut up Bill' said the boy with the snakebite.
'Hey,my names Tom' he repeated,but in english this time.

We were all having small talks until 2 more boys came up to us, 1 with long hair and 1 with short hair. They introduced themself as Georg and Gustav. I liked they're style. They were really nice to me and i liked that,i felt welcomed.

The bell rung and i realised i had maths next. 'For fucks sake i have maths now.' I told them with a sarcastic frown. 'What teacher do u have maths with?' Said Tom looking me up and down while i checked my schedule. 'Mr. Anderson' i told the boy. 'Looks like we have the same class cutie' he winked at me. 'Ew dude' said Gustav, i just chuckled at what Gustav said while Tom rolled his eyes.

He showed me where our next class was. He asked the teacher if i could sit next to him because im not that good at German and the class was German only. I don't know why they would put me in a class like that,but oh well.

Again instead of learning, me and Tom talked through the whole lesson,he kept on teasing me and making flirty comments. I had a nice time with him,i was glad i made friends.

After school ended the Kaulitz twins invited me to they're house,they said that they will be practicing for their band. 'Sure i'd love to come'
I told them,at the corner of my eye seeing Tom form a smirk on his face. 'Let me give you my number,so you know where to find our house and shit' said Bill. He wrote his number on my arm and drew some smiley faces around it. They waited for me to get picked up,because my brother took the car because he was 'going to a friends house' even tho he was going to a bar.
Finally after about 30 mins of waiting my mom came to pick me up. I said goodbye and hugged all of the 4 boys and sat inside the car. I was excited to go to they're house. I was glad i made friends.

Me and my mom finally come home, i did most of my homework during class,some i just skipped,i changed out of my school clothes and put on some low waist flared jeans and a crop top. I touched up my makeup and hair and waited for Bill to text me the address.
'Vic! Come down someones at the door for you!'
I came down the stairs realising the twins came to get me. 'How did u find my house you stalkers' i laughed at myself while Tom looked serious and Bill had a small chuckle. I sat in the backseat while Tom was driving and Bill was all Passenger Princess. After about 5 minutes we finally got to they're house.

This ones a bit better but still kinda boring,its 2 am rn and im hella tired but ill write more better chapters tomorrow <33

 𝐄𝐬𝐜𝐚𝐩𝐞 𝐭𝐨 𝐭𝐡𝐞 𝐬𝐭𝐚𝐫𝐬 || Tom Kaulitz Where stories live. Discover now