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A/N: You're at hell fire club with Mike, Dustin, Eddie etc. You and Eddie have liked each other for months now but are both too scared to admit it.

Tensions where high as it was coming to the end of Eddies campaign.

"Time out, TIME OUT"

Everyone (accept Eddie) huddles around at the back of the room. Their discussing how we should continue, Jeff and Gareth think we should surrender, but Erica cuts in.

"Didn't we just agree 'to the death'?"

"THAT WASN'T LITERAL" Gareth's shouts, clearly very stressed.

"We are so close. Don't Be Pussies!!" Dustin spits.

"Cowards.." Erica mocks.

"If I may interject, gentlemen. Oh and ladies?" Eddie says. "Whilst I respect the passion, there is no shame in running. Don't try be hero's, not today kay?" he smiles.

"Screw it, let's kill the son of a bitch" Dustin states.

Dustin picks up the dice, he needs 20 to win. He throws them, suspense is high...

"THAT'S A MISSSS" Eddie shouts.

Everyone shouts in anger and Dustin whacks a can off the table in rage.

"Shit" You shout. "Seriously Dustin?" You are covered in the drink , your white top is going see through. "I'm gonna go try dry off in the toilets." You shout as you walk out.

"Sorryyyy.." Dustin says after you.

Your walking down the corridor to the toilets when you hear footsteps behind you. Turning round you see it's Eddie chasing after you.

"Hey." He says as he catches up. "You alright?"

"Yeah i'm fine, just didn't really want everyone staring at me, because.." you look down at your now completely see through shirt and laugh.

Eddie looks down, looks back up, then back down again. "Well I'm not complaining" he jokes.

You jokingly punch him and pretends to falls in pain. Once he's back up he looks at you for a second.

"Don't you have sheep to be looking after?" You ask.

"Meh.. they can wait, plus I have some spare hellfire shirts in my van if you'd like one?"

"Yeah that would be great! Why didn't you start with that?" You laugh.

He puts his arm around you jokingly and walks you to his van. "Just wanted to soak up the view for as long as possible."

"Eddie?!" You laugh.

In his van, he's rummaging around some bags trying to find a shirt for you before pulling one out.

"Sorry, this is all I have." He hands you it, stepping out the van to give you some privacy. Putting it on you discover it's WAY too big.

"Uhm Eddie.." You call to him, he opens the doors and tries to hold back snorts.

"HA- I think it's a bit small for you?" he jokes.

"I'm basically suffocating?!"

"Hang on" He closes the doors again, this time with him in the van. He pull his shirt over his head. You are a bit taken a back by this. You'd never seen him topless before but you weren't complaining. He hands you his. Eddie notices you staring at him.

"Like what you see huh?" He chuckles and goes to leave you to change once again.

"Eddie wait."

"Yeah, you okay?" He turns to face you.

You hesitate before slowly lifting your shirt over your head, leaving you in just your bra and shorts. Eddie stares at you as though he's in a trance. You both sit there for a second before Eddie stands up and walks toward you.

"Woah." Eddie is speechless, he looks down, then back up to meet your eyes.

You bite your lip looking down, feeling a bit embarrassed but you don't regret it.
Eddie places a finger under your chin and slowly lift it so your eyes meet his. You feel his breathe on your face and everything goes quiet. You both look at each other for a second before Eddie leans in and kisses you. You hesitate before kissing him back. You both slowly moved in sync, before Eddies tongue found its way into your mouth. The passion build before you are both gasping for breath, in bliss. Until Eddie slows down and pulls away.

"Was that okay?" He asked, blushing.

"Ye- yeah, that was amazing.." you whisper, still a little star stuck.

"Good, good.." Eddie ponders. "Well- uhm, we should really get back, you know Dustin, he will be concocting all sorts of story about us." Eddie jokes, grabbing the large shirt and putting it on. You put his on and walk out the van. He grabs your hand, leading you back inside.

Comment any suggestions.

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