Ch02-The Start of the End

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Dominik slammed the door to his hotel room, face a red scowl and jaw clenched so tight his neck muscles were straining against his skin. His trembling hands reached into his pocket then pulled out his phone to send the tenth unanswered text

Dom: You know what Maritza I'm fucking sick of you and your fuckin bullshit fuck you it's over delete my number and go fuck whoever you're with fuckin slut.

"BITCH!" He yelled before whipping his phone at the floor.

It hit the floor on it's edge and cracked across the screen. Part of the edge chipped, and the back popped off due to it.

He paid it no mind, unzipping his vest then ripping it off and whipping it across the room at a wall. Next, he pulled off his boots and tossed them aside before pulling off his pants. After discarding them he walked to his duffle bag to grab a pair of gray sweatpants that he roughly pulled on. Finally, he stepped into his black sneakers then left, again slamming the door.

Rather than go to the elevator he took a right and opened the door to the stairwell. He rushed down the twenty-five flights to the fifth floor. Opening the door, he walked down the hall then took a left, stopping at a glass door that read GYM. He pulled the door open then marched in, failing to notice the striking blue eyes watching him.

Rhea set down her dumbbells and turned off her music. Her eyes scanned him, noting how tense ..... no tight his muscles were, the way his tight fists fact his whole body is buzzing. She watched as he added 300lb to a bar before sitting down on the black leather bench. Left brow raising she leaned forward, balls of her feet pressed to the floor ready to spring into action at a moment's notice.


She slowly stood, unable to discern whether the quiver in his arms was from the weight or his rage.


Circling the room, she ended up behind him still unnoticed.


Her brow rose, the barest hint of a smirk on her face.


Shit, I didn't think he had that in him.......but I should have. I know the real him, his real skills and passion.


I guess......he's just changed a lot.....or maybe being in the WWE has distorted my perception of strength.


A grunt pulled her from her thoughts.


His movements were slowing, and his body was completely red.


She stepped forward, positioning herself to spot him as his arms shook violently.


"Come on kid, one more, just give me one more."

Though Dominik heard her words he didn't actually register who was saying it. Instead, he heard and saw his father.

Flashlight (Rhea Ripley X Dominik Mysterio) Book 01Where stories live. Discover now