Ross chastain- wait in the truck

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A/n: loosely based off of Hardy and Lainey Wilson's  wait in the truck.

🚩warnings: fighting, abuse

Ross pov:

I drive down a road in some little town if never been to before, I had got turned around and was trying to find my way back to the main highway. I had to be at Atlanta tonight, I hummed along to a song that was playing on my radio, it was actually kinda peaceful. This week had been a bit hectic, I had had a incident with Denny Hamlin at phoenix and it had caused more media attention than I wanted or needed. In general this should not be a peaceful moment considering the fact that I was lost but it in some weird way was.

Up ahead I saw a forgive of someone walking along the side of the road, I noticed they were limping slightly. As I drove closer the person became more clear, it was a young woman who looked to be about my age. The closer I got the more concerned I grew though, she was bruised from head to toe and a tear in her blood stained shirt. I slowed to a stop and rolled down the window,
"Hey are you okay? Do you need help?" I asked, she slowly looked at me, her brown eyes were full of terror and fear. She slowly nodded, i gestured for her to get in and she climbed up in the passenger seat. Tears were pouring down her face and she was visibly shaking, and her brown hair was all messy.
"What happened?" I asked gently,
"He...I... I didn't do what he wanted fast enough." She stuttered out, anger coerced through me.
"Did he just hit you?" I asked quietly trying to keep the anger out of my voice but failing miserably.
"Yeah." She said, she wasn't telling the truth and I could tell, but she didn't need to tell the whole truth I know what had happened to her. I put the truck in drive, my anger taking over,
"Where is he?" I asked, she gulped nervously,
"A little ways down the road." She said softly,
I nodded,
"Im Ross." I said introducing myself,

We drove in silence, brook only speaking up to point out the right driveway. I knew what I was doing was probably wrong, I should really call the police or something like that but one look at the crying, scared girl next to me and I knew without a doubt in my mind this man needed a beating. I pulled up in front of a grey house, I put the truck in park,
"Wait in the truck." I told brook before I climbed out.

I walked over to the front door, I knocked a couple times but there was no answer. Finally I had enough and kicked in his double wide doors. I stormed through, he whipped his head around from his spot on the couch. He was a blonde with blue eyes, he had a mean look about him and there was a beer bottle in his hand. He stood to his feet yelling curse words, I didn't give him a chance to finish what he was saying before I grabbed his collar and slammed him into the wall.

"You disgust me, you sorry no good animal." I said angrily, he stared at me in shock for a second before banging his head against mine sending me reeling backwards. My head pounded painfully but it only fuelled my anger, I stood up straight and punched him hard in the gut. He grunted and stumbled backwards, he straightened and ran at me, tackling me to the ground, we rolled around on the ground. I grabbed the back of his head and smashed his face into the ground, he cursed before elbowing me in the balls. I let some not so clean words out of my own mouth before I used my legs to flip him onto his back so that I was sitting on top of him. I punched him multiple times in the face.

I rolled off of him and slowly climbed to my feet, I stared down at him. I was pretty sure he was still conscious but not a hundred percent. He was still breathing at least. I pulled my phone out and called the cops, I explained everything that happened. I then walked slowly outside and waited for the cops to come. I don't care if the wanted to press charges, he deserved it.

A year later:

I smiled at my girlfriend and kissed her before getting in my car. It had been a year since I picked her up on that road and beat up her ex boyfriend. We had started dating a month after and I loved her so much. I loved everything about her even the old scars that she's got.


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