Ryan blaney- crash

321 5 3

🚩warnings: blood, injury, panic

He looked at the screen of his phone in shock, horror coursed through him. On the screen was a video replay of one of the worst wrecks he'd ever seen in his entire career. And the worst part, it was his best friend.

It was Daytona and Chase had a okay finish of sixth, but the race had ended under caution due to a wreck on the last lap.

The twelve car had been launched air born into the fence before bouncing back down on to the track and being struck multiple times. It then rolled across the grass before coming to a stop upside down.

By some miracle of God, Ryan had been able to climb out and walk wobbly to the ambulance. As Ryan's best friend chase could tell he was in a fair bit of pain just from the replay.

Chase put the phone into his pocket and raced out the door, Ryan had been cleared from the infield care centre but he had to check for himself that Ryan was actually okay.

He knocked on Ryan's bus door, the door opened revealing Ryan. He looked tired and had a pained expression on his face but he quickly wiped it away.

"Oh my gosh are you okay?" Chase asked anxiously walking in. Ryan just nodded, "Are you sure? That was a horrible wreck, I think I'm going to have nightmares, you could have died." Chase stopped and stared at Ryan, he struggled to keep his emotions under control. He almost lost his best friend, the one who had been with him through thick and thin.

Ryan put a hand on chases shoulder, "I'm fine, I'm alive and in one piece." He reassured chase, Chase nodded and took a breath. He watched has Ryan walked over to get a cup of water. He frowned when Ryan winced as he reached for a cup.

"What's wrong?" Chase asked,
"Nothing, I'm fine." Ryan answered,
"I can tell something wrong, please tell me." Chase said, he watched Ryan closely has he filled up the cup and took a long drink.
"Chase I'm fine, chill out man."
"Chill out? You almost died and now your saying your fine when your obviously not." Chases voice raised a bit in volume, the emotions of the day were definitely getting to him.

"Chase I'm fine, if I say I'm fine than I'm fine. So drop it." Ryan said his tone getting angry,
"I'm not gonna drop it if your injured." Chase said back getting equally as angry.
"So what your going to get mad at me now? For Pete's sake chase, I'm fine, I don't know how many times I have to say it, there is nothing wrong with me." Ryan yelled at chase, chase took a deep breath trying to calm down a bit.

"I am simply concerned for your health and your acting like it's the end of the world. I have known you for how many years? Trust me I know when somethings wrong and you lying about it for some strange odd reason is very infuriating." Chase said his voice laced with anger.

"I'm not lying I'm fine, you know what just leave!" Ryan said angrily, Chase stared at him in shock. All of a sudden Ryan started coughing, his entire body shaking from the coughs. He bent over as he struggled to breath in between the coughing.

Panic coursed through chase as he rushed over to Ryan, Ryan had his hand over his mouth as he coughed. Ryan pulled his hand away and Chase felt his heart drop at the sight of blood on Ryan's hand.

"Holy" Chase didn't even finish his sentence before Ryan collapsed, Chase quickly caught him just in time to keep him from hitting the floor. Chase gently lowered Ryan to the ground and kneeled next to him.
"Stay with me." He urged as he saw Ryan's eyes start to glaze over, Chase pulled his phone out and dialled 911. While he was talking on the phone he kept an close eye on Ryan, when his eyes started to close Chase didn't hesitate a second in slapping him. Ryan winced but his eyes cleared up a bit.

"Okay hang on just a bit longer, their sending an ambulance." Chase said, Ryan nodded but then started coughing up blood again. Chase grabbed a cloth and wiped the blood from his hand and face. "Your fine huh?" Chase muttered as he lifted Ryan's shirt revealing some very nasty bruises on his ribs.

"I'm so freaking scared Chase." Ryan said weakly his voice raspy from the coughing. Chase grabbed Ryan's hand and gave him a reassuring squeeze.
"Me too, me too. But we're in this together and your not gonna die on my watch." Ryan gave a small nod.

Chase grabbed a pillow for Ryan's head and sat next to him still holding his hand. Ryan had a firm grip on it, Chase gently rubbed his thumb back and forth across Ryan's hand trying to keep him calm. He tried to remain strong for Ryan on the outside but on the inside he was a wreck of emotions. How the freaking heck was Ryan released from the infield care centre?

The door to the bus opened and chases head snapped up, Bubba walked in and froze at the sight of the two of them on the floor.
"What happened?" Bubba asked,
"Ryan said he was fine but then he started coughing up blood and then collapsed." Chase gave a brief explanation. He lifted Ryan's shirt to show Bubba his bruises.

"Why did they clear him from the care centre?" Bubba asked angrily as he sat down on the other side of Ryan, Chase just shrugged. Ryan started coughing again, Bubba watched with wide eyes as Chase grabbed the cloth and wiped the blood Ryan was coughing up away.
"Please tell me an ambulance is coming?" Bubba asked, Chase nodded.

Chase brushed Ryan's hair back away from his face, he frowned at how warm Ryan felt. He racked his brain for what could be wrong with Ryan but he couldn't think of anything.

"Sorry." Ryan said quietly, chases heart broke at how weak he sounded.
"Hey, don't apologize. You have nothing to apologize for." Chase told him gently.
Ryan shook his head slowly, "should have told you, I didn't feel right." Ryan said, the more he talked the weaker he sounded. Chase glanced over at Bubba and could an equal amount of concern in his eyes.

"Ryan just try to relax, it will only be a couple more minutes." Bubba said. Chase watched Ryan closely over the next couple of minutes. His heart started to beat uncontrollably when Ryan's eyes started to close.

"Ry." He shook Ryan gently, but got no response, "Ryan!! Come on stay with us!!" He yelled trying to get Ryan to wake up.

There will be a part two for this!

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