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Pain, hurt, weakness it's all the same in this losing game
I hide it all away, put it in the back of my mind to pick it back up someday
People say I can talk to them but I know I'd just be a burden
Life is so uncertain, just pull back the curtain
And you'd see me for how weak and depressed I really am
How stressed
How much of my problems lay unaddressed
Behind the mask of a smile and laughter is a sad little child
Who can't cope with change, it's almost too much to take
Mixed emotions, change is inevitable and the future is never predictable
Love is what I crave, I'm in a deficit 
Trying to care for myself
I barely eat now, feel now, life is so real now
I'm tired of waiting for things to get better
My sanity is quickly fading, slow at first but it's on a steady roll now
Trying to pull myself up from the hole that I wallow in
But the darkness keeps pulling me back then
Even if I could get out the light scares me too, I've been burned too many times by it
I know I need to change it
I know I need to talk
I know I need somebody
I wanna help I wanna save
But who's gonna be there for me one day?

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