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"What a view." She signed, the scent of Mary Jane rafting through the air of the penthouse balcony. She didn't have to worry about getting high off it, one blunt being far too little to even make her breath stink, but she wasn't smoking for the high anyway. It was a distraction, something to keep her busy before she ran off to do her usual things within the late hours of the city night. She could do some late-night shopping, redecorate their entire living room, or she could even find her meal for the night and start up one of her famous live performances for the first time in a while since she arrived here. She didn't want to do many things now.

She had no baby, no sister, no Leah, and no Antonio to bother, and she wasn't at Charlie's house so it wasn't like she could just park her ass on his couch and dump every little thing that has inconvenienced her since the last she saw him either. She had no body, and while her cold dead heart would usually celebrate at the opportunity for alone time, she wished it wasn't the case this time around. She was bored, tired, a bit annoyed, and irritated tremendously for reasons she didn't know, and nobody else would either. Therapy was for the weak, she wasn't weak. Spoiled, but not weak. She could handle herself, but she didn't want to do that then.

She felt like her mood was someone's else's business to deal with, and for that reason alone made her mood plummet even farther when she realized that the only people in this huge place was the servants that wondered until three in the morning before fading into the darkness. They weren't anything special to riot about, Antonio had them placed when Charlie and Bella stayed with them, but he had never removed them afterwards thinking that giving them purpose would make them feel better than fading into nothingness.

She wasn't nice like him. She wanted them gone for the longest, still does and she didn't care if they ended up fading out because their existence was considered unnecessary, useless, and a waste. They made this empty place seem even emptier, and no matter how useful they were when it came to retrieving things or putting them away, she wanted to be completely alone. No creatures living in the darkness waiting for the next command. If she was hungry, they cooked, if the place was dirty, they cleaned, if she wanted anything it would be bought, but what she really needed was ignored. They would never leave without all three Master's approval, and Isla was enjoying having someone clean up everything after doing it for so long after she had gotten herself together. It was nice not doing anything, but she hated them more than she hated humans.

"I need a drink, and anything is fine." She took an even deeper hit than the earlier ones, wishing to feel that familiar cloud in her head whenever she would take a hit when human. It used to numb everything, and she meant everything. It made everything feel like nothing, her parents, the housekeepers, her potential husbands, her schooling, her appearance. She would care for nothing and think of nothing.

"Lemonade?" A hand, pitch black, holding onto a tall glass of iced lemonade was presented to her. She had grimaced a bit, wished they stuck to their usual humanoid form, but she understood that keeping that intact was straining on them. They kept it up when Charlie and Bella were around, but they were free to return to what they usually looked like. Shadow.

"Thank you." Though despite the words she wanted to voice out, she knew better than to verbally abuse the staff. Antonio had enough of that when they were staying in their beautiful home in London. So, she took the glass without complaint. Taking note that she would probably have to refill the pitcher it was taken from since it was indeed a drink for Kyrie to sip on whenever she wanted something other than milk and water.

She could be doing anything right now, could be at the bar chatting it up with her old friends, or she could even be at the beach, bathing in the sunlight and enjoying the alone time she would get from it, but she was stuck in this house.

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