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While she didn't really care much about the human girl, she was still very much Antonio's sister, so with a heavy sigh she wrapped herself up in a bathrobe and dragged Leah along with Lucas who was happily obliged with the orders to drive them there. She sat in the seat, calm and collected as Leah squirmed next to her out of curiosity as to why she had to come in the first place. Usually, family matters didn't concern her and if this was about Kyrie then she wondered if Jennifer was worried about handling the baby herself.

There was really nothing to worry about for she had seen the way Jennifer handled the child, and at that moment you would think that it was her child and not her sisters considering Kyrie looked like a nice blend of them all at. Jennifer's blue eyes, the reddish brown of her hair that Antonio used to have and now Isla's face. She was a very pretty baby and to be blessed with such nice features was something many wished to obtain for themselves when it comes to choosing their parents' best features.

"Can I ask what happened?" She spoke carefully, eyes watching to see if Jennifer would blow up in her face for asking such a 'stupid' question.

"Isabella, It's always something with that brat." She felt exhausted just thinking of that name, and she still hadn't forgiven her. She would never forgive that idiot for even deciding that being with those freaks was the best choice she could get. There were so many vampires that she could've chosen from, but she decided that the Cold Ones were the way to go. How stupid for those were the last ones you wanted to be for the lack of life they held compared to the others.

"Oh." Leah signed; she didn't want to deal with her; she felt the teen hated her for some reason, and she hoped it wasn't because she thought she was taking her brother away from her. Their relationship was simply business at this point and no matter how many times he tells her she's more than welcome to stay in his home she just feels like it isn't right to overstay her welcome. She wanted, not she needed, to stay until she got her life together and that was slowly happening with Lucas's dreams of moving in together starting to flood her head and drop unrealistic fantasies within.

"Oh?" Jennifer lifted a brow; she wasn't in the mood for any sarcastic remarks.

"No, I just meant 'Oh it's Bella we're dealing with again.'" Sweating a bit, Leah just resigned to her fate and hugged the door, mashing herself as far from Jennifer's reach as possible. It was silly of her to be so scared of such a pretty woman like her, but she was just as frightening as she was beautiful.

"Hm." Jennifer eyes rolled, her hand lifting to the front of her face for her to see on the drive. "She's not that important at the end of the day, stop by a nearby Cafe and grab us breakfast Puppy." Jennifer signed, "Breakfast for all of us, including Antonio's family." It was almost six and there was bound to be some place that was open for the people heading to work on this fine morning. And while Jennifer will never experience it, there was just something about watching the working-class file in line like robots as they gathered their caffeine for the day and headed to their lackluster jobs. Interesting indeed.

"Say Leah, do you think working is fun? Relaxing even?" She waited, fingers brushing her hair into a more presentable, she just fingered it, running them down constantly as she waited with expectant eyes.

"No? No one likes to work, I'm sure if we can all be either born into a rich family or marry a rich partner than we all would to stop ourselves from working so much at least." At least that was how she felt; she knew there were people who enjoyed their jobs far more than the average person should. Like Rachael, the girl was happily slaving away to college for a job that wasn't completely guaranteed, but with the help of Antonio she guessed anything was possible.

"Then you would say Antonio doesn't like his job? Like these peasants?" It was a bit comical how they sat in this huge luxurious car in front of this regular old cafe full of people who couldn't stop looking at it. They obviously couldn't see inside, but Leah could feel her skin itching from the judgement of those people as Lucas waited to take their order.

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