𝔉𝔦𝔣𝔱𝔢𝔢𝔫 | 15

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Antonio Swan, formally known as Antonio Dwyer, was the party's life as he entertained his guest like he was taught. Winks and cunning smiles directed to women of all ages as he mingled within his own little click while his grandparents mingled with theirs. His job was merely to make connections for when he took over the business like all other heirs. His maid Paula stood against the wall with the other maids and butlers as they waited for any command that their young masters and mistresses might give. Her eyes never left him and whether it was because he looked just that good, or if it was because she was terrified of making a mistake with so many eyes on her was up to whoever observed her attentive behavior to decide. Like always he ignored, his eyes never once straying from the woman he was entertaining, his mask of indifference breaking occasionally, when the boredom became too much...He was handsome all right. A real example of eye candy for women and even men to enjoy from afar and up close.

Eyes followed him everywhere, but Paula's never strayed as she watched in envy. Now love made people do ridiculous things and while Antonio wouldn't ever be able to say he truly loved her around this time, he could say that she was useful to pass the time when things moved far too slowly for his liking. When the boredom set in, and the pretty faces blurred together alongside the horrible personalities that never matched. Those were the moments when he would wag his fingers, Paula moving from her post to not only grab a glass of wine she knew he'll like, but also to follow him out the doors of the ball room and to somewhere more secluded where they would bask in each other's company without eyes lingering on them, waiting for them to make a mistake. She would follow him into some sunroom she was sure she didn't know existed, laying his drink down onto a coaster and standing behind his seat like the proper maid she was as he relaxed in silence.

There would even be times when he would relax enough to the point, he'd fall asleep. His guard dropping just enough for her to gain a dopey like expression as she leaned down and sniffed his hair like some enamored puppy. Sadly, she was in a position where a relationship would never be accepted, but she was fortunate that scandalous relationship between servant and master was common within the rich. She would listen to her 'friends' in envy as they gossiped about their lovers and while she participated with little lies here and there, she wished it was true. Antonio wasn't at all eager to get in her skirt like she wished, the young man more concerned with making sure he meets his grandparents' expectations. She believed she loved him, believed that if it wasn't because of his overbearing grandparents then they would be able to live perfectly together without fear. He obviously loved her a lot, he hated seeing her being in pain which is why he keeps his distance from her so much, but she was willing to bear all the cons if he was willing to stick by her side. There would be a possibility of elevating her status to the point where his grandparents would have no choice but to accept her as his wife, and even if it meant bringing a baby into this world, she was positive that he would make a great father anyway.

"More wine?" Though she was supposed to wait for him to say something, she knew they were close enough to where she could speak without a problem if there was no one there to witness such disrespect.

"To the rim."

"Enjoying the party?" An attempt at conversation was the best she could do, but she kept it short. While she wished that he left the party for a bit to enjoy her company without eyes, she knew it was mainly to avoid talking any longer. She couldn't just talk to fill the silence for annoying him wasn't what she wanted when it came to moments like these.

"Not really, the same stuff gets boring after a while." Exotic foods and expensive wines didn't seem like something she could see herself getting bored of, but she guessed if this life was forced upon you then you might have some sort of negative view on it.

"You haven't even met the lady of the house yet." She meant that jokingly, teasing him with good intentions while he looked on in disinterest. He didn't want to meet her, not only was she late for her own party, but the party was within the confines of her own home. A weird girl was what she was for showing up like she was. He already didn't like her.

"No need, if I don't meet her today than I'll meet her later." He was quick to drain the glass, his disgust appearing for a second at the weird tasting wine. This house even had disgusting wine, more to hate it.

"Really now? Marrying her?"

"I'll have no choice; our family are friends with each other." Jennifer Williams, the little gem of the ridiculously old traditional family. This family held onto beliefs that others had long since gave up making them live a life of harsh luxuries. It was said they had another daughter, but he never met the girl and didn't care for their family secrets, which would be none of his business if they didn't make them.

"Oh." While she knew that he'll have to get married she just didn't want that to happen. She hadn't even started her own relationship with him, and he was going to be given to another woman that his attention would surely be taken up by. The Williams were known to produce overly needy women they were born the perfect little trophy wives that would surely garnish envy of all kinds.

"Yes, Grandfather discussed it before, but it was merely a mention, I also have Regina Gucci to look forward too." That woman was a fucking menace to society. Probably worse than Jennifer Williams for she didn't have the wealth or status to act the way she does. The only reason she was considered was because of being the only available girl to be married off that lived in another country. The Dwyer's were desperate to expand their connections in Italy and what better way to do it securing their position within the Italian governor's daughter.

"She's scary."

"No just spoiled." As if beating on her servants like animals was something a 'spoiled' girl would do. If there was a chance that she could secure a position as a mistress she would still have to worry about the wife. She didn't know what exactly Williams was capable of, but Gucci surely would surely beat her to death if she discovered such a relationship.

"Right." She stopped talking though, she was in no position to speak about such a lady of status anyway. She hated the position she was in, but she was luckier than most who were stuck with either Lord and Lady Dwyer or were constantly being the servants that bounced from household to household with little chance of making it out alive. There was an older lady, a woman Puala had considered a mother that was sold off to Regina Gucci and the woman was sent back without a head attached after a tantrum ensured. That made her more obedient, she bit her tongue more, lowered her voice and started to behave for she knew they wouldn't hesitate to send her next instead of the other slaves. So, like now instead of giving out some unwanted advice she stayed quiet just in case Antonio might not be in a nice enough mood to listen to her 'concerns and suggestions.'

She didn't really like the thought of Antonio marrying another woman, she was the only woman suited for him. She knew what he liked, what he didn't, and what he would. She knew everything, and to think that she could be replaced by a woman who wouldn't be able to take care of herself if she lost everything was infuriating. She might've been nothing but a slave, but she knew that her relationship with Antonio was something more, something special that completely ignored their different statuses. Her thoughts also considered the lack of enthusiasm he had at the mere mention of them, he thought the same also. He didn't want them, probably didn't want to marry.

"Let's head back before rumors spread." He only really liked being around her, he liked her far better than any of these other girls he'd encounter, and she liked that so far. She loved the fact that she was the only one he could tolerate for she couldn't possibly imagine him with anyone else. Anyone that wasn't her despite the obvious line bridge between the two of them. Paula liked to imagine the two of them as star crossed lovers, two people willing to risk it all just to be together and she hoped her efforts would shine through once she managed to get him for herself.

"Of course. A drink?" So, while the girls might have been able to get his attention now, she merely smiled. Enjoy it while you can ladies, enjoy it while you can. Surely Antonio didn't know what insanity was like for they wouldn't know the sighs much sooner if he just paid attention. 


Wonder what happened to her...


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