𝔖𝔢𝔳𝔢𝔫 | 7

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"So, you can turn into a dog also?" Charlie ruffled the blonde locs on top of Lucas's head, petting along the back of his neck and along the side of his head near his ears. Curious at the faint humming of content from his throat sometimes. He was one of those hounds that Isla had been talking about for the longest. A different breed from whatever Cerberus was, a demon dog turned human like the Shifters in a weird type of way, but 'better' as Jennifer told him.

"We can turn into Canines, yes." Lucas shrugged, "You'll find that there are demon Pomeranians also. Unlike the Shifters who can only take the form of wolves, we can achieve the form of any canine we please, though we usually stick to one." Like him, he preferred the form of a Golden Retriever to any other, but there are times when he goes for the form of something smaller depending on his Master's wishes or what seems convenient at the time.

"So better than the Shifters?"

"We're kind of the same, though we can breathe fire, cool right." Cool but tedious, if he wasn't careful, he could set his beloved face on fire, or he could burn the food he was putting in his mouth. Usually, Antonio made sure that there was 'Hell hound' proof food around, such as fruits and other items that grew in the depths of Abaddon to avoid that happening. He was thankful considering he was getting better at controlling himself every day, but he would never complain about someone going the extra mile when they really didn't have to.

"Real cool..." No, the last thing he wanted was for him to sneeze and set him on fire, no one would think that's cool unless he said he was a Dragon, not a Canine. "How different is the shifting?"

"We're bigger than the Shifters, but only in Abaddon, we're the exact same size as the Shifters here." Just a tad bit bigger, stronger, but much hotter. They run hotter than fire at times, and that was only if they weren't maintaining their temperature like they were supposed to. It wouldn't do them any good to get other humans nervous about them because of their surviving body temperatures that would usually burn them alive from the inside out.

"Wow." Made him think if there were any demon like felines out there. He hadn't heard of any feline Shifters, but then again, he just recently learned about the ones on the reservation. It was a wonder how he survived this long without knowing that certain things lurked around this planet that could kill him in an instant. Made his boring life seem much more alive now that he knew of all the supernatural's in his life.

"Scared? Don't be we don't eat humans like the Master does."


"Hmm?" Lucas resumed eating his food, sucking on the berries that usually were reserved for Jennifer.

"Antonio eats humans?" He paused, thinking back on it, Kyrie did tear off a good part of his neck and he doesn't remember her spitting it out either so maybe just maybe what Lucas said wasn't entirely false.

"His wives also! Though I think one of the Miss's prefer animals despite it not really being sustainable like human is." At the end of the day, he was no different than the dogs that humans walked around on leashes. He feasted upon the animals that lived in Abaddon whether they could shift into humans or not included up here. He could technically eat the Shifters on the reservation, but the side effects could be drastic.

"Isla and Jennifer..." He guessed, he wasn't really all that surprised, but that would be a lie for the back of his mind laid his shocked thoughts that he was currently trying to suppress. He couldn't see Isla eating people, couldn't see Antonio, and while Jennifer did seem to have a bit of a sly personality, he couldn't see anything that would make him think she ate living human beings. Nothing.

"Yeah, it's been a while since any of them been out to eat though..." Lucas sighed, he was very worried about his Masters, without him he was nothing. No one wanted to take him under their wing because of his overwhelming amount of energy no matter how useful he might be, but Antonio did. He saw something that others didn't and without hesitation took him despite all the excuses his old caregiver spewed. He liked Antonio, he liked Isla, and while Jennifer had her moments, he would rather have her than any of those other Demonesses.

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