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It had been around a month since Tails had to move back in with his Mother. Sonic was going to visit every once a week or so, but Tails' Mother had changed it to once a month. So this would be the first time Sonic could see Miles again.

His Mother hated the name Tails.

"T-Miles!" Sonic stuttered, still happen to see his little brother.

"Sonic!" Tails ran up to him, shouting.

They had chosen to meet at the park. His Mother was sitting on a bench watching as the two hugged. Glaring.

After they broke the hug, Sonic got a good look at Tails' face. His eye was bruised, and his nose had a small cut right above it.

"Miles.." Sonic said, sternly. "What happened?"

Tails held onto Sonic even tighter. Not wanting to let go.

"N-nothing, Sonic". He stuttered, before pausing shortly. " it's nothing."

Sonic looked down at Tails worriedly, but assumed he wasn't aloud to say anything. His mother was right there, of course.

Sonic pulls Tails into a tighter hug.

"I will find a way to get you back.. Okay?" It sounded like Sonic was crying, but Tails couldn't tell. He decided not to bring it up. He forced tears back as well.


"So!" Sonic sniffles, before breaking the hug. "Why don't we get you some ice cream?" A bright heroic smile grows onto Sonics face.

Tails' face immediately lights up. He may be a teen now, but he still enjoys childish treats. "Yeah!" He shouts, excitedly.

Sonics goofy grin grows, as he takes Tails' hand. "Let's go then!" He shouts.

As he looks back, he sees Rosemary, Tails' Mother, getting up to follow them. He rolls his eyes in annoyance.

Once they get to the ice cream stand, they are happy to see there isn't anyone else in line.

"What would you like, Miles?" Sonic says softly, but playfully.

Tails begins to think. But, the answer was always obvious.

"Mint!" He shouts, excitedly.

Before Sonic can order, Rosemary steps in.

"I don't want you buying him anything, Mr. T. Hedgehog." She says, sternly. Causing Tails to flinch.

"Well, I don't are what the problem is." Sonic says, his smile looking obviously fake, as it was followed along but a glare.

"I am his mother, so I say no." Rosemary said stery  but quietly, trying not to cause a scene.

Sonic glares, but then sighs. "Sorry, Miles.." He says quietly, with a sad smile.

Tails looked sad, but smiled nonetheless. "It's alright, Sonic.." He gives Sonic a hug, causing Rosemary to glare at him. He saw this  and immediately let's go.

Sonics smile, nonetheless, doesnt disappear. Until he gets an alarm on his watch..

"Sonic, we need you!" Yells Amy, from the other side, startling the three. "Egg man's attacking again!"

Tails looks at Sonic fearfully. He knows that he had to go. He wishes he could fight again, and he wishes he didn't have to live with this crazy old woman.

"Okay, Amy, I'm coming.." Sonic says, disappointedly. An annoyed expression on his face that makes Tails chuckle. "Alright buddy, I have to go now.. I'm so sorry. I know this visit was short, but I'm sure we can see each other again soon."

Tails hums,  but then smiles at Sonic sadly. "Okay!" He says, slightly loud. "Just make sure to visit!" He laughs.

As Sonic leaves, Rosemary holds Tails' shoulder close. He knows what's going to happen, but he doesn't say anything.

"Ill see you soon!" Sonic grins, before disappearing into the distance.

Rosemary grabs Tails' arm roughly, and begins to drag him out of there, causing him to talk.

"W-wait!.." Tails stutters, in a panic.

"Were going home." Rosemary sternly says, causing Tails to flinch.

It was going to be a long night..


I didn't want this to be to long, and I didn't know how to end this, I'm so sorry-
I hope you liked it! :D there was a few hints to what might happen in the future, but I'm not saying what!

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