At Home.

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This is in the POV of Miles Tails Prower.

TW -
Hints of Sexualing Minors!! (Not what you think😣)
Abusive behavior towards minors!!
Lots of profanity!!

We finally got home, and I was immediately, harshly shoved against a stained wall. I gasped for air as I hit the ground, tears threatening to leave my eyes. I whimpered when I looked up to see Ms. Prowler, my mother, staring down at me. She never said why she wanted custody of me.. She just decided one day she wanted to take me from sonic. I never bothered to ask. A part of me was scared to try.

"I told you not to act scared around around him, how many FUCKING times am I going to have to tell you this, you useless FUCKface?!" She screamed, before walking out of the room. My ears had flattened against my head, knowing she isn't going to be gone for long. I was right, because just around a couple minutes later she was back with a belt, a bottle of alcahol, a mop, and a bucket. She threw the mop and bucket at me, and I scrambled to my feet.

She popped open the bottle of alcahol, chugging it down. I didn't know what kind it was, but I could read on the label ; Bacardi 151°. My ears flattened against my head.

"Get to work." She spoke with a blank expression. "Clean the house from top to bottom if you don't want another beating". I immediately started cleaning.

God.. When is this going to end? I just want my brother..

(no ones POV)

Miles didn't get any sleep that night. He had been working on cleaning the entire house just to please his Mother, even when she had fallen asleep extremely drunk. He sighed, finally going to bed.
At 6 in the morning.
But right as he layed on his futon, his Mother had barged into the basement. She was an absolute mess, but she had a wide grin on her face. She seemed happy..

"Oh, Miles!" She said in a singsong voice. "Youre finally going to be useful for something!" Miles arched his eyebrow confused, but seemed happy that he pleased his mother. Was the house that good?

Clearly that wasn't The reason.

She grabbed his arm, holding it tight enough to break. He whimpered, but let her drag him upstairs. He had never been in his mothers room before this, but there was tons of weird things on the walls.. It disgusted him to look at. She sat him down in a chair and got to work.

When she was done with him, he looked like a girl. He scowled. He was never the type to dress like this. He truly hated the makeup, and the weird dress that seemed very revealing for girls to wear, and even weirder for a boy to wear. He frowned, looking to his mom in confusion.

"Why am I wearing this..?" He questioned, his voice quiet. He immediately bit his tongue when her smile turned bitter, and vicious.

"Because you're going to make me money". Her tone was quiet, but drowned it venom. He gulped, and looked down. He cringed at the weird dress, but just sighed. Surely this wouldn't have to be for long. Suddenly, his mothers smile bloomed again when the doorbell had rung. Miles ears perked up, feeling slightly embarrassed someone was going to see him like this. He squeaked when his mother dragged him out to the front, but her excitement made him slightly happy.

Before the door, she looked over to him with a grin.

"Dont ruin this for me, dear." Her tone was blank, unlike her smile. "Stand straight". Miles gulped, forcing himself to stand straight. When she opened the door, an older man came in.

Suddenly, he felt in danger.


Well, um. I think you guys know what happened next. It makes me kinda upset to make this, but idk- I wanted to make her the worst possible person- 😭 I've watched way to much Madea- 🥲 this was also kind of an awareness of abuse ig? And it's not just physical. But- if you guys like this and it gets more reading I might try to make another-
Anywaysss love y'all 🥰🥰🥰🥰🥰

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