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The dinner was brutal.

Jeongin couldn't stop himself from flinching or grimacing everytime Heeseung shifted beside him.

Mr. and Mrs. Lee were mostly nice and quiet throughout the dinner, but Jeongin KNEW they had also noticed his jumpy state. Neither of them commented on it or questioned him, which he was truly thankful for, but Mr. Lee had asked Heeseung to keep his hands on the table in front of him while eating. He had acted like it was under the pretense of not letting his son use his phone at the table but Jeongin was slowly starting to realize that being his parents, they probably knew all about his temper tendencies.

He could bet a thousand dollars they even suspected him of being abusive.

They were his parents afterall, and considering the amount of complaints that were sent home after Heeseung, he expected them to be very aware of their son's actions.

What he didn't know was why they hadn't done anything about it.

Though he was also sure that people as pure as the Lees most likely had solid reasons for that.

Minho, however was a different case.

He talked throughout the dinner, telling his parents of his career hike in Australia and how there was a 90% chance of him being offered the official choreographer's post at BigHit. His parents were more than ecstatic at that, so was Jeongin but he couldn't exactly show it.

He was satisfied with watching the proud twinkle in Minho's parents' eyes. They looked so... ethereal with those big smiles on their face as if their son had won a Noble prize or something.

But with a son like Minho, even the smallest accomplishments were huge. His entire existence was a gift and he knew the Lee couple would agree wholeheartedly with that.

Jeongin wondered if Heeseung had ever made them proud.

He supposed not.

"My son, Innie," Mr. Lee reached to pat Minho's shoulders, "is the most precious gift of God to us." the feeling was brilliant, watching Minho shyly thank his dad for his support and duck his head, a huge blush on his cheeks.

Jeongin, however, didn't miss the obvious neglecting of Heeseung.

He would have felt truly bad, had the guy not been such an asshole.

"I know, sir. I agree wholeheartedly." yes, he was stupid.

Stupid in love...

He couldn't help it.

The very second the words left his lips, he felt Heeseung's gaze boring at the side of his head. A forced smile was left on his face as he realized he would have to bear some hefty consequences for that.

Maybe Heeseung will be kind enough to just kill him off painlessly?

Minho gave him a dazzling smile at that and Jeongin felt his face heat up at that. Oh shit, how was he supposed to survive?


"I don't care what you say, vanilla is the superior flavor." Mr. Lee announced, scooping up another spoonful of the white delicacy. 

The 4 males were sitting in the living room, eating their ice creams, while Mrs. Lee was organizing the leftovers in the fridge.

Right after dinner, Jeongin had been pleasantly surprised to see Minho helping his mother with the dishes while Mr. Lee cleaned the dining table.

Such an organized perfect family those three seemed to be. Only Heeseung came across as the odd one out every single time, just like when he ignored his brother's order to wipe the cutlery and instead turned on the television. He was very defiant, if asked to do something, he would go out of his way to not do it.

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