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"Pigs." Minho muttered with a scowl while Jeongin just stood behind the counter in awe.

There were three cats.


Jeongin had no idea Minho owned three furbabies. He distinctively remembered some mentions of cats here and there in the past from Hyunjin but he hadn't realized they were Minho's cats.

Now, he was in love.

Seriously, he was already planning the wedding.

Minho can cook, is a rich dancer, owns cats, has a great sense of humor, is bloody handsome, has an amazing personality and is ready to date him? He is a whole ass husband material.

And Jeongin wanted that.

"They are very calm, you can touch them." Felix assured the youngest while bringing forward one of the two orange cats. It was pretty big with the entire body painted in orange and some white patches here and there on the underside and the paws. 

"He is Soonie, the eldest one and probably the quietest." nodding in understanding, Jeongin lifted his slightly trembling hand to pet the fur monster who was watching him warily. He had a very impassive face with bright mature eyes that told Jeongin the cat was pretty wise. His nose twitched when the boy's hand touched his head but he was still relaxed in Felix's hold.

"This one takes some time to get used to other people. Don't mind him." Minho came up behind them and smiled at his baby who instantly tensed up in the freckled boy's arms and started wriggling around to get to his master. Jeongin snatched is hand away and watched silently as Minho took Soonie from Felix and held him close to his heart.

The cat calmed down again.

He went limp in the eldest's arm and laid his head against his chest, simply dozing off in the comfort of his owner.

Jeongin's mouth fell open.

Minho grinned.

"Soonie was the first cat I owned. I was in middle school back then and I had gone to Busan on a dance campaign and I found him there. They didn't let me take him for legal reasons of course, so I had to call mumma to come over for the adoptions. The bus ride back home was horrible but I got this pig with me for a lifetime now, I can take that horrendous journey everyday for him."

His eyes were literally sparkling like stars as he talked on and on about his cats.

Jeongin died and revived a little in that small moment.

Find someone more attractive than a guy that loves and cherishes his pets? very few people can relate.

"That one is orange too?" Jeongin pointed at the other orange cat on the floor, who was meowing and playing with Hyunjin's shoes.

"That's Doongie. He is orange and white too but much more than Soon. Look, Soonie's face has more orange than Doong's." Jeongin squinted slightly, his eyes moving back and forth between the two orange cats to find the difference.

And he found it well.

"Soonie has white spot on the nose, legs and paws only." he whispered, moving closer to a good look at the sleeping cat in Minho's arms.

He glanced back on the loud ass whiny cat on the floor.

"Doongie is practically white on the underside and legs." he added from the observation and crouched down to get the cat's attention. Doongie instantly noticed him and turned towards Minho., who chuckled and nodded for the cat to come forward. 

"Hold out your hand. He will sniff you." the eldest instructed and Jeongin did as told. He held out his ring covered finger and waited for Doongie to gather up the courage to walk over. The cat meowed twice before barreling over and smashing his face on Jeongin outstretched hand who yelped in shock and fell back on his ass.

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