Better boyfriend

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Minho was in shock.

He was utterly and completely out of his mind.

He was truly disturbed.

He was functioning well and fine, but his mind was dead..... or maybe it was running too fast.

He wasn't sure.

But as he carefully picked up his drunk cousin, his eyes strayed over to Jeongin and he felt the distress rattle him again.

What. The. Hell.

His brain was scrambling to catch up with the last hour's events. It didn't seem possible, much less true, that Jeongin had gone through all that within the last few months and had suffered enough just to get cheated on.


A shaky breath left Minho's lips.

He had known the situation was dark and suspicious, he had known that his brother was too far gone but abuse? manipulation? cheating?

He was flabbergasted.

He knew it was partially his, and his parents' fault, but never in his wildest dreams had he imagined his brother to get so toxic and destructive that he would play with someone like that and still have the audacity to flirt around...

.... because he was doing exactly that.

Clenching his jaw, Minho watched Heeseung smirking and talking to a tall brunette girl, his eyes raking over her and his intentions holding the implications of something erotic. He didn't seem even a bit bothered by everything that had happened and it burned Minho to hell to see him like that.

How could he ruin Jeongin like that and then waltz in the party and go on his ways right in front of him? 

It angered him.

It also made him sad.

Because this wasn't his brother. 

His sweet smiley kind brother, the one who loved helping the students with their homework, the one who always took his cats out to play, the one who always respected Felix and Hyunjin, the one who lived because he had a purpose.

This toxic, damaged, destructive version of Lee Heeseung wasn't his brother.

Minho wondered again, just how much a company can influence someone.

Just how much venom his aunt injected into Heeseung's brain to make him so deprived, just how much bullshit his friends taught him to make him so hell bent on ruining his life.

What was going on with him?

"Should we go bid goodbye to San once? I didn't even thank him for the invitation." Minho asked a little hesitantly. 

Felix and Hyunjin were comfortably secured in the back seat of his car now and they could see San in the backyard just a few meters away from Heeseung. Minho felt bad that he hadn't acknowledged the party inviter even once during the entire evening and he didn't like to be rude.

"Sure." Jeongin swiftly replied, his eyes trained on his boyfriend. 

It took everything in Minho to not march right over to his brother and shake his entire existence and ask him how could he miss such a gem like that? How could he do that? Why was he like that?

But of course, he didn't.

He won't drag their personal matters in the public. He will just have to wait till tomorrow.

His parents would like to hear this too.

"Let's go." it was the younger who took the lead to pull him across the street to the backyard again. They greeted the people they knew in between, some of the last batch seniors were there too. Chan was talking to a taller tattooed guy Minho recognized as his senior Jungkook. Then they were the unseparable besties Changbin, Yeonjun and Wooyoung by the back door. 

Boyfriend - JeonghoWhere stories live. Discover now