Chapter 3: The Schools

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Lilia was tired.Spending that whole day with Ember was tiring but worth it.She dreamed herself in a meadow with flowers and gentle breeze all around her when she was woke up by a loud knock on the door.

Is that the delivery man? Wait,it's the middle of the night.Who in their right mind wants to come here in the middle of the night?That thought apparently woke her up.She rubbed her eyes and looked all around her.She was still in her old bedroom. So,I'm either dreaming or mad.I rather prefer dreaming than mad.The knock was becoming more insistent now.And Lilia wondered why her mum did not heard that knock.

She creeped down the stairs quietly and opened the door.


Midnight was starting to be impatient.What is taking that kiddo that long anyway?I hope she doesn't think she's mad.Or started screaming. Last time I check that happened, I lost a couple of feathers minus a screaming kid.Not the best day of my life either.

The door creaked opened and Midnight came gave to face with a thin little girl with black short hair and a scared face.

Midnight gently leaned forward and inspected the girl.She was thin and looked like she was aspecting someone to hit her.Midnight could feel her confusion and fear.Midnight's words was true,she had spend nearly all her life shutting herself in.

The girl had not responsed with any reaction at all.Midnight stared at the girl directly in the eyes and asked her,"What's your name,kiddo?"


She did not expected that.One moment she was opening the door and the next moment she was staring right at a black swan.Something inside her stop her from screaming as the black swan looked at her.The black swan looked at her kindly,it's eyes feel with wisdom.At least that's what she thought.

"What's your name, kiddo?"The swan asked her.Lilia gave a gasp and stared at the swan."Are..are you a monster?"Lilia whispered.The swan snorted (who knows swans can snort?) and said,"Let me ask you,kiddo,if I am a monster,I probably would have eaten you by now.By the way,my name is Midnight."Somewhere deep down in Lilia's heart,she knew the swan would not harm her.

"Lilia.My name is Lilia."

"Good to know you can talk.Well,let's get going then shall we?"

Wait a second. I really must be crazy. First,I talk to a swan called Midnight and then it asked me to get going, whatever that means.This is just a silly dream.Yes, just a dream.

Midnight glared at her.Then it pecked Lilia.

"Ow!!What was that for?"

"A reminder to you,kiddo,that you are not dreaming."

"Wait.I'm not?"

Midnight rolled its eyes (well,try to).Then,using it's beak,it lift Lilia up like a cat would do to it's kitten and put her on it's back(Midnight is quite big for a swan).

"Whether you like it or not,you are coming with me."Ignoring Lilia's protest,Midnight took of into the night sky.

"Please can you at least tell me where we are going?"

"We?We're going to The Schools."

Ember and Lilia: A Pool of Flames (Wattys 2016) The School for Good and EvilWhere stories live. Discover now