Chapter 5: Choosing your own Footsteps

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Hi you guys!As an apology for the last late update,I've decided to update this chapter earlier than the day I was going to upload it!Ain't I nice? *wink .Also,I want to dedicated this chapter to @Umyuuu for all the support that she has given!Again,please recommended to more people about this book!You are NOT force to do this.(Well,but I hope you can).This chapter is probably a bit toooo dramatic but I hope you like it!Thank you for all the support that you have all given!


Ember screamed as Liora dived down while spinning in a 180 degrees from the sky.The wind blowed in her face and she shut her eyes tightly,afraid to see.

For once too many times,Liora snorted at the behavior of the screaming child.

"Calm yourself,child.Unless you want to crash landed from a hundred meters from above the sky,you better shut your mouth.I am trying to concentrate here!"

If Liora was trying to threaten Ember to shut her screaming,it did not work.In fact,she scream even louder.The girl seems to have an unlimited supplies of voices seeing that she have not scream herself hoarse yet.

"We're gonna die,we're gonna die,we're gonna dddiiiee!"Ember chanted to herself,still shutting her eyes close.Liora groaned.

They landed with a thump on the ground."We're here."Liora said.

At once Ember open her eyes,slide of Liora's back and kneel at the ground."Oh my gosh how I miss you my sweet sweet sweet ground!!"Ember shriek in happiness.

"My flying iszn't that bad you know."Liora grumbled.

Ember ignored the comment.

"Ember!What are you doing here!?"Someone asked her,a voice full confusion and bewilderment.A voice that Ember know very well.


And there stood Lilia,her face looking shock and her eyes full of questions.

Ember ran towards Lilia and crushed her in a bear hug.

"Can't..breath.."Lilia squeaked.

'Sorry!"Ember released Lilia from the crushing bear hug.

"So your name is Lilia,child?"Liora finally speak as it watch the two of them.

"Lilia!Don't speak to this monster!Its not worth it."Ember told Lilia.

"Why you little-"

Lilia inspected Liora.She bowed her head as a greeting.

"At least this child is polite unlike her."Liora said,watching how Ember would reacted.

"Yes,my name is Lilia.What's yours?"Lilia said,ignoring Ember's warning.

"It's Liora.It's a pleasure to meet you."

"W-wait,Lilia!"Ember stammered.Unknown to her,the swan and Lilia have decided to tease her with a simple gesture of a secret wink and a slight nodding.

"Liora.You have finally arrived."Midnight said,appearing out of nowhere.

"Who are you?"Ember asked curiously.

"My name is Midnight.Welcome to the Schools."

Ember gasped.Since landing here she had not have the chance to look around seeing that she was arguing with the white swan.Well almost.You get the idea.

Right infront of her was two tall magnificent buildings.One was the color of pure white while the other was a shade of gray.Though simple,they seems to have an aura surrounding them.Ember immediately decided that she like the white one most.It's not that she didn't like the other one.Its just kind of seems creepy what with its color and the air of mysteriousness surrounding it.Ember wondered how they'll know which Schools they are in.She hope that they could get into the same Schools.

"Choose."Midnight said.Ember stared at it."What?"

"Choose which Schools you want to be in.But made sure you know which Schools you really want to be in.Once chosen,you cannot change it.Be warn."

"That's it?You just choose?"Lilia asked.

"Yes.Which want would you choose?"

"The white one."Ember said without hesitating.

"That is a good choice.It is better known as The School of Good.And you?"

Lilia looked at Ember.She knew the girl want her to chose The School of Good.But instinct told her that she would not fitted in there no matter how much she try.She looked at the white School and at the gray one.Even with its shade of gray color,it looks comforting.She sigh.The girl know what her choice should be.I'm sorry Ember.

"The gray one.I chose the gray one."

"Very well then.It is decided.The name for the building is The School of Evil."

The look of shock and betrayal on Ember's face broke Lilia's heart.I'm sorry Ember.I'm so sorry.

Phew!That took quite a while *wipes sweat from forehead.Thank you for reading everybody!Please vote and comment if you like it!

Also,here's a question for you guys.What kind of personalities do you think Lilia and Ember have?I'm just asking,because I want to know what you guys think about it.You are not force to do this.Thank you!

Ember and Lilia: A Pool of Flames (Wattys 2016) The School for Good and EvilWhere stories live. Discover now