Chapter 4: Pathways,Divided

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Sorry for the late update you guys!To be truth,I kind of got stuck a bit in this part.Well,I guess you can say that I was feeling a tiny little bit lazy.Just a bit.I think.Hehe.Anyways,I hope you enjoy this chapter and if you can do it please recommended more people about this book.I am NOT forcing any people to do this and you don't need to do it if you don't want to.Okay,I think that's all I want to say.*winks.Enjoy.


Ember was feeling restless.Something was keeping her awake and she did not like it.Sighing,she walk down and opened the door wanting to have some fresh air.

Okay.She did not expect that either.

A white bigger-than-normal swan was staring at her."About time,child.I was just about to knock the door.The name's Liora.What's yours?"

Ember stared at Liora,speechless. Liora looked at her."Well?"


"Okay Ember.Nice to meet you.Well,let's go."

Liora grabbed Ember and put her on its back.

"W-wait!Where are we going?"Ember yelped.

"Shut your yelling and wailing child.I'll explain more about this to you later."Liora glared at Ember and took off.

Liora sniffed."Well, that was easy."


"So you're saying that on every full moon in July two child will go into a School and learned there about magic and potion and other so-called stuff?"Ember asked in a disbeliving tone.

"Yes.At there you'll learn how to survive and if you are hardworking enough,you could get high marks and get yourself a good position there.Don't get too excited being there.There's still exams."Liora said.

Ember groaned.She was hoping that maybe they won't have any exams there.Looks like she was mistaken.Exams,the most horrible thing ever in her entire life.

"Of course,you'll have to pick the Schools once you get there."

Ember perked up."Wait,there's more than one School?"Liora snorted."Obviously."

"What Schools are they?"

"You are full of questions,child.You'll know when you get there."

Ember pout and glare sullenly at the night sky as if it was all its fault."That's not FAIR!""Why can't i know NOW?!"She complained.

"Stop being so childish and shut your mouth unless you want me to drop you down from this height."Liora threaten her."You wouldn't dare."Ember muttered sulkily.

"Believe me child,I've try it before to a very annoying child who just wouldn't shut his mouth.Well,I guess you could say he survive but that fall sent him into a shock for 2 days.Not the best way to get to the Schools."That shut her mouth at once.

"No matter.We are here.Get ready."With that,Liora dived down.

The peaceful night sky was shattered by a high pitched scream.

Well,so that's it!I know it's a bit short (i'm so sorry) please bear with me for awhile.The best parts is yet to come: it's a secret for now haha.Please,if you can,please recommended more people to read this story.Like I've said just now,you are NOT force to do this.Vote and comment if you like it!

Ember and Lilia: A Pool of Flames (Wattys 2016) The School for Good and EvilWhere stories live. Discover now