Chapter 7: Schedule

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Enjoy!Sorry I haven't post for that long :( Oh and I forgot to tell you guys:Disclamer,I do NOT own The School for Good and Evil.Thank you for following me you guys!


Lilia woke up with a smile on her face.She look at the clock on the wall.Hmm.It's 5.30am only.I remember Briar telling that the classes starts at 6.30am.Since I'm awake,I might just as well do something.She smiled at the sleeping girls.Briar was snoring with her mouth opened while Trisha was curled up in a ball like a cat.

Usually,Lilia didn't wake up in such an early time,but because the author insists (more like force) her to wake up in such an early time,she had no choice.Blame it all on the author of this book.

Me:*slams the table* "Shut it!"

Told you so.

After brushing her teeth,Lilia change her clothes into the uniform that was given to her yestherday.Deciding that she would explored the school,Lilia closed the room's door quietly and walked out of it.

Turning into a left fork,she bumped into someone.

"Ow!Watch it,freak.You messed up my hair!"

"I'm sorry."Lilia said calmly.She had accidentally bumped into a smart looking boy who was currently glaring at her.

"Sorry?That's all you have to say?"

"If there's nothing more you wished to talked about except saying sorry,then I'm going."Standing up,Lilia was just about to walked of when the boy grabbed her arm.quicker than a blink of the eye,he was pointing the tip of a dagger at her throat.

"Don't you dare to mess with me,freak."

Lilia calmly stared at him even as her heart started pounding quicker."I do not think The Headmasters will be pleased to see us fighting in my first day at this School."

Glaring at her,the boy slowly take away the dagger.

"Your luck had save you,newbie.You better watch out next time,'cause I'm not gonna go easy on you."With that,he turned and walked away.Lilia shivered.The threat sounded real,and that boy's aura...she could feel that it was powerful.The boy was not kidding about his threat.

Lilia decided to go back to the room.That boy had just ruined all her mood about exploring.Opening the door quietly,she found Briar in a state of distress,her hair messed up while Trisha had already finished dressing up and was standing beside Briar.

"Lilia!Why didn't you wake me up!! I'm never going to finish my makeup now!"Briar wailed.Trisha creeped slightly closer to me.
"You're just overreacting,Briar."Trisha pointed out.She glared at Trisha with red puffy eyes."Just overreacting? Just overreacting??!!Do you guys even have any fashion sense?"She literally yelled at them.

Lilia looked at Trisha."Yup,she's juusssttt overreacting."

And the case was closed.

When Briar finally finish her makeup,a knock came from the door."I'll opened it."Lilia said.A tiny little girl stood outside the door."Is Lilia Shadoefel here?"The girl squeaked in a scared voice.Lilia exchanged looks with her roommates.She looked back at the girl."I'm Lilia.What is it?"The girl handed her a scroll quickly."Your schedule is in there with your locker's number."With that said,the girl ran away.

Lilia looked at her friends."Am I really that scary?"They shook their heads."I thought so."Curious,they looked behind her back as she unrolled the scroll.

1) Weaponry                          Prof.Richald
2) Animalogy                        Miss Arariel
3) Luncheon
4) History of Schools       Prof.Lambringal
5) Survival tastics           Prof.Linguham / Mdm.Whiriny
6) Dinner
7) Demonlogy                   Prof.Sheriel
8) Free period

Ember and Lilia: A Pool of Flames (Wattys 2016) The School for Good and EvilWhere stories live. Discover now