Chapter 29: Slavery

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Bowen asked, "Do you have change?" casually, without reading the atmosphere.

Rephael wanted to shout at Bowen[Change you ask? Change for such a big amount? Do you think money grows on trees? How will a small blacksmith like me ever have change for such big money?] But he swallowed his words. Ruby felt embarrassed when she remembered her earlier words. She felt too dumb for not recognizing a big shot.

"Umm, this Bowe... cough, cough... Master Bowen," Rephael changed the way he addressed Bowen, "my apologies, I may not be able to provide you with such a big amount."

"No problem, take your time," said Bowen.

Rephael's face burned with shame as he remembered how he offered the same words to Bowen previously. "Yes, I will try my best to make change for it by talking to merchants."

"Why merchants? Don't you have a bank?"

"Bank?" Ruby and Rephal looked at each other in confusion.

Bowen tried to explain the concept of a bank in simple words. "Like an organization that deals with money....."

"Ah, it seems wonderful," said Ruby.

"That's right. If there is something like that, it will be more useful, but we don't have it here. I don't know about other continents, but to my knowledge, there is no concept of banks in Yuria," said Rephal.

Bowen thought that if possible, he would bring the concept of a bank to Grimesphere in the future. "Fine, how many days should I wait?"

"That... like a week or so," said Rephal, scratching his head.

"No problem. I will believe in you, Mr. Rephal," said Bowen.

Rephal posed a big smile and thanked Bowen for the business. He offered 50% of it (25 small silvers) to Ruby for her to take it to Lady Grace. He also paid 2 bronze coins to Bowen for his wooden logs. After unloading all the wooden logs, Uncle Toto came from the backyard.

"It's all unloaded properly. Can we go?"

"Uncle Toto, can you please wait for five more minutes? I am having to talk to someone here," said Bowen, looking at Ruby.

Ruby was scared of Bowen's sudden proposal. "Umm, sir... I am sorry if I offended you with my previous words. I will take any punishment."

"No, Ruby, you are mistaken. I just want to talk to you about something, that's all."

"Umm, just talk... yes, yes, please ask me whatever you want."

"My stomach grovels a lot. Can we talk over lunch?" asked Bowen.

"Ah, yes," said Ruby.

Bowen took Ruby to a food stall where he bought some simple bread and soup. Ruby remained standing even after Bowen took up a seat for the customers.

"Why don't you sit?" he asked.

"Sit? Ruby looked at Bowen in confusion. "That.. I am a slave, so sitting with you might not be apt."

"Hmm.. is there a rule saying slaves cannot sit in diners?" asked Bowen.

"No, it's not that, but..." Ruby hesitated.

"Then take your seat," said Bowen.

"Oh, okay," said Ruby, sitting opposite him hesitantly.

Bowen offered a part of the food, but Ruby was adamant about refusing it. Bowen didn't want to force her more than that. She was someone else's slave, after all. Bowen took one bronze coin and slid it on the table towards Ruby. "Take this," he said.

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