The Party

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(Y/ns pov)
I wake up with Stu's head nestled into my neck he was so cute and we didn't have to get up yet since we basically don't have school so I just let him sleep there eventually what feels like forever he wakes up I can tell because he kissed my neck then spoke "good morning princess." God I love him he absolutely perfect "good morning stu." I respond back to him he looks up at me and smiles "I have to go." He says "why?" I question "I need to be there when my parents leave then set up for the party." He replied and that made sense so he pecked my lips then got up to leave he put his shoes on and left.

(Billys pov)
I was sitting in my room when stu walks in "I've got to ask you something." He says walking in "go on." I say back in response "did you do it?" "Do what?" I say confused "attack y/n in the bathroom." Oh yeah that "oh yes I did I think she's ready." Stu nodded at my response "alright I'll see you tonight?" I nodded and he left.

*a few hours later*

(Tatums pov)

I'm out shopping for snacks with y/n and Sidney. Sidney is going on about billy it's getting kinda annoying I mean this is a girls things no boys y/n hasn't said a word about stu can't Sidney just stop talking about billy Jesus "I mean he has to get tired of a girl that's sexually anorexic right?" God Sidney shut up "I mean I guess." Y/n responds to her I can tell she's uncomfortable with the topic so I try and change it "uhm y/n what time is the party?" I ask her "oh uhm stu said to be there at 7:00." I nodded "thanks just making sure." I say as I put a bag of chips in the cart Sidney grabs something from the fridge and puts in in the cart and we continue to walk through the store and once we check out we go to Dewey's car and get in and he takes us to Stu's house once we got there it was no surprise that mostly everyone was already there we knock on the door and stu opens it.

(Y/ns pov)

Stu opened the door to his house and Tate and Sid walk inside I go to follow when stu stops me and pulls me in to kiss him deeply when he finally pulls away he closes the door and we go into the living room and sit down Stu's all over me and I love it he's not always like this but when he is I love it he's amazing and perfect he then looks over to Tatum and whispers in her ear then grabs my hand and leads me upstairs into his room.

When we get up to his room he kisses me passionately more passionately then ever I couldn't help but think what is he up too he lays me down on his bed and begins kissing my neck he slids his hand up my shirt and it was in this moment I knew what he was doing and I was okay with it I wanted to do this with him he looks at me and I nod to him with my consent and he continues he takes my shirt of next my bra then kisses down my body then proceeds to take my skirt and underwear off then begins eating me out I began to moan it feels so good he then kisses back up my body and then kisses my lips then takes his clothes off and he then proceeds to take my virginity from me we do this for awhile when we get done we get dressed and stu looks at me then walks up to me and lifts my chin to where I'm looking at him "god you're beautiful." He says to me I smiled he makes me so happy "thank you." I say back to him he smiles back at me "I love you." He says to me "I love you more." I say back to him "I love you most." He says as he met his lips with mine I love him more than anyone he was the best boyfriend anyone could've asked for anyone would be lucky to have him but I'm the luckiest because I got him as we pull away from the kiss he looks into my eyes and just smiles then speaks "I'm so lucky to have you." He says to me "and I'm lucky to have you." He smiles "hey I'll be right back okay." I nodded and he left the room I waited for him as I put my shoes on and he never came I waited for a few minutes and got bored so I went to look for him but I never found him but who I did find was Sidney and Tatum really scared "Y/N WE NEED TO LEAVE NOW!" Sidney began yelling at me "woah woah calm down why?" "The killers here! Come one we need to leave!" Tatum said no way "okay fine where's stu?" I ask "I think it's him but I'm not sure." No it can't be stu he wouldn't do that just as I'm in my thoughts I feel Tatum grab me and we start to run the killer was right behind us as we're running we get outside into the news van and the killer came out of nowhere and killer the news guy the real question is where is gale? But that didn't matter now we just needed to get out of here so we climb out of the van and start running to Dewey's car and radio for help the killer had Dewey's keys so he ended up getting in the car so of course we had to leave but once we got out of the car the killer was gone but Randy comes "guys guys we need to get out of here!" "Woah woah Randy stay away from us." Tatum states I'm so confused as to what is going on that I didn't even realize stu standing in front of us "come on y/n you got to believe me!" I look at him in denial and grab Tatum and pull her inside as I shout "fuck you both!" Sidney comes in after us and billy comes falling down the stairs all bloody "omg billy!!" I say as I run up to him "I'm alright sid give me the gun." He says standing up "Sid give me the gun!" She finally gives it to him he then goes to open the door and then looks at us and smiles I've never seen billy smile like this I've never been more scared of my own brother I look over to Sidney who is on the verge of tears because of how scared she was and Tate was barely scared so but she must be good at hiding it but I was scared and it showed.

This story is coming to an end very quickly! And it's a bit sad I'm trying to extend it as much as possible and so I might! But not sure! Anyone till next chapter!!

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