One-Shots (pg 13)

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A Blissful, Faithful Sign part 1

*Vera’s POV*

            I hated it; absolutely hated it. Once again I had been led on, pampered and just dumped for nothing. I had only met the guy once and he still had the nerve to do something like that to me. It was probably all a joke; a joke probably set by my best friend turned worst enemy: Aris. He knew I was desperate to find someone, anyone who I could introduce to my parents as a boyfriend and potential future partner. I just couldn’t bear being forced to marry a guy I didn’t even know all because I couldn’t find one on my own.

            I let out a sigh, running a hand through my hair in frustration as I walk out of the coffee shop that was supposed to be our mutual meeting place. I stuck my hands in my coat pockets and kept my eyes on the concrete as the wind make its way past my coat, chilling my very soul. And yet, I didn’t care; I was already dead on the inside. This was the fifth time this had happened in two months and I’m getting sick of it. It’s always the same thing: meet a guy, hit it off, I ask for a date and I get stood up. I just can’t take it anymore; my girly, frayed emotions can’t take this kind of pain every other week especially with the whole forced marriage deal with my parents looming over my head.

            Another cry of frustration tears through me as tears began to sting my eyes. I only have a few weeks left before my parents were going to call the engagement. Even if I asked for more time yet again I knew they wouldn’t be as gratuitous as last time. This guy I was supposed to meet was my last chance and he had stood me up like every other guy who seemed ‘interested’ in me.

            So maybe I should just give up. I mean, it’s obvious the heavens are telling me that I don’t deserve to find that one true person I’ll fall in love and live with for the rest of my life. Obviously they want me to live in misery under the control of my probably future rich, snobbish husband.     

            Thing is though, what did I do to deserve this sort of excruciating torture? I still had no idea.

            The tears finally came as they streamed down my cheeks like small streams. I sighed, choking back a sob as I pulled the hood of my coat over my head to keep from attracting any sort of attention. I took out my iPod from its pocket and stuck the ear buds in my ear, turning it on high as the song of my life began to play.

      I can take a few tears and just let them out.   

      I'm not afraid to cry every once in a while.

     There are days every now and again I pretend I'm ok.

     But that's not what gets me.

            I have so much to say to everybody; I could just yell it out to the world. But the problem is: will anybody hear me out? A sob escapes my throat as my hand reaches up to muffle the noise that comes out of my mouth.

            The answer is no one; no one cares about me so why do I even bother wasting my breath?

            I was so caught up in the music and my tears that I didn’t notice the person walking towards me before it was too late. It was like hitting a wall. I let out a squeal of surprise as I felt myself lose my balance and fall backwards, my ear buds falling out. I close my eyes and just wait for my back to hit the cold concrete below me but it never came. Instead, a pair of strong arms wrapped around my waist and kept me from falling.

            “Whoa careful there dear,” a deep voice sounds as I felt his arms flex around me as he pulled me back to my feet. A blush came to my face as I muttered a probably unheard thank you before looking up and gasping at the brightness of this new man’s eyes.

One-Shots (pg 13)Where stories live. Discover now