My Princess Awaits - Poem

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My Princess Awaits

But how do I even start?

Perhaps with the time of day,

How the weather is beautiful

And the birds are chirping

A harmonious love song, just for us.

No…too cheesy.

Maybe with how she looks,

How her skin is fair like it’s kissed

By the sun.

No…too cliché.

What if I focus on her guitar, the black 

Instrument that produces such music that has my stomach

Whirling with butterflies.

No…too cutesy.

My sigh is confused as I stare at the girl of my dreams

Crystal eyes looking down at her guitar,

Slim fingers plucking a simple tune

Enchanting me, nervousness

Rooting me to the spot.

Why can’t this be like a fantasy?

A knight in shining armor, a princess in distress,

Happily ever after.

But this is reality

Smooth armor now worn and rusted, chips where past

Princesses turned cold and happily ever after

Is now once upon a time.

My hand had a death grip

On the hand-picked lily,

Petals wilting under the heat of the sun,

Stem slowly bending out of shape

From my nervous hand.

It wasn't perfect but it is

My only offering to the girl 

As dazzling as a jewel adorned crown 

Belonging to royalty, as magnificent as a horse drawn chariot 

Carrying ones of pure blood, and as deadly as a dragon, 

Guarding only what it’s meant to protect.

What if she laughs at what I say like I’m a jester,

Entertaining her at my own expense.

What if she pays no attention like I’m just invisible,

A poor peasant begging for a piece of bread.

Or what if she looks at me like I’m the most 

Pathetic house slave in her entire castle?

But maybe she could be the one, the queen ruling beside me

Hand in hand, ruling my…no

Our kingdom for years to come.

Perhaps all I have to do

Is just walk up, smile and say that simple word that starts it all.


A/N: hey guys! I am back!! Sorry for the long wait. Things have been complicated. But I took a creative writing class over this past semester and they made me write poems. There's only like two that I think are worth sharing. Here's one of them :) Its cutesy. I don't know who to dedicate this to...too many people :) So I dedicate to all of you reading this! Enjoy!!

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