Human - Poem

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I don't understand

Why does it matter to you

Who I truly am?

I look just like you

I have no wings, horns, or scales

So why do your eyes

Target me, and only me?

Your glares burn deep in my skull.

To you, I'm a freak.

You say I belong in a

Mental asylum

Strapped to a bed, until my

"problems" are beat out of me.

Faggot, slut, retard.

Words that feel like knives and burn

Even worse than the

Time you punched me all over

And kept going while I cried

"Someone, make it stop!"

Stand up, do not be afraid!

Don't walk away while

Somone points a gun at me

And says "Be normal, or die"

So please, stop the hurt.

I'm one of you, a human.

I'm not a monster


A/N: Second poem! This one is relating to Lovestruck a little more with its themes. Hope you all enjoy it. There is a structure to each stanza, can any of you spot it? Comment if you get it!! :)

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⏰ Last updated: May 26, 2014 ⏰

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