A Blissful, Faithful Sign - Part 2

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A/N: Initial apologies for the random lack of indenting....its not me though. Everytime I post Wattpad likes to get rid of my indenting. Anyone know why? That would be greatly appreciated. Anyways, part 2! Have fun! :)

A Blissful, Faithful Sign - Part 2 

*Vera’s POV*

            Oh my God! I squeal in delight for the twentieth time in the past hour. I couldn’t believe it! I was going on a date! And the best part of it all was that I was actually asked out on the date, not me asking someone out. Just that aspect brought about the biggest smile I’ve had in well…forever.

            I twirl around in circles in my apartment with glee before settling down and taking a seat in front of the mirror and my small makeup table. I admit, I’m normally not a makeup type of person but some makeup tonight wouldn’t hurt. So I begin to put on everything: foundation, a bit of eye shadow, mascara and just a little bit of blush. When the transformation was complete, I took a step back and my smile went wide once again. Considering the small amount of makeup I possessed, I’m surprised my makeup even matched my outfit.

            Speaking of my outfit, I took a glance in the mirror and turned into a giggling mess all over again. Most times, I dress casual on a first date but this time, this time I wanted to dress to impress. Instead of the normal t-shirt I wear, I had on a skin tight, white tank top that accentuated my curves in all the right places. And instead of baggy jeans, I had on a dark blue skirt that flowed halfway down to my knees. Around my neck was a pink heart necklace and in my hair was a sparkling butterfly clip that matched the jewels embedded on the rim of my skirt. Finally, to complete the look, I slipped into my black flats and put a gold bracelet around my wrist. There, perfect; I do a little twirl in the mirror to admire every aspect of my outfit.

Boy, this date was turning me into a real girly girl.

Right now, though, I couldn’t care less. I was ready and I haven’t been more excited for anything. But with that excitement, there was also nervousness. What if he doesn’t like me? What if I screw it all up? I mentally slap myself. Calm down. I think I just really need to calm my nerves. I reached over and pressed the power button to my radio that was sitting at the very edge of my makeup table. The device automatically came to life and instantly began to play a song that had me getting up and dancing.

You make me smile like the sun, fall out of bed 

Sing like a bird, dizzy in my head.            

Spin like a record crazy on a Sunday night.                                         

He makes me smile like a kid on Christmas day. He makes me giggly like a little school girl. He makes my heart pound and all the sadness in me dissipate with just a single look. I fell onto the bed squealing yet again. Kade… just the thought of his name sent me into a euphoric state of mind.

You make me dance like a fool, forget how to breathe.                                                                    

Shine like gold, buzz like a bee

Just the thought of you can drive me wild.

Oh you make me smile.

I was so caught up in my happiness that I almost didn’t hear the aggressive pounding at my door. I sat up on my bed startled, eyebrows furrowing together in confusion. It’s only six; Kade texted me earlier and told me he was coming at seven. I wasn’t expecting anyone else so who the hell could that be?

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