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Lily's POV:

Do you know the feeling you get sometimes when you just want to choke someone to death and make them suffer?

Well, guess what, I'm feeling that right now.

I took a deep breath and looked at my twin brother hoping that I wouldn't burst and do something which I will of course not regret after, but might end up going jail or be in a life and death situation.

"Ares, can you stop being a fucking knob and help me!!" I yelled at him while going up the stairs to his room.

Alright, so when I was 5 years old me and my family had to shift to New York for my dad's business. He had won a great deal which he couldn't miss out on so we had to go over sea's which sucks. But it's okay because now we moved back in Canada. And the reason is because my dad and had finally established his business and became really successful through out the years, so now he decided to come back to Canada and re-open his business here and carry one the work they where doing in New York.

I barged in Ares's room and shout at him again "YOU ASSHOLE-" I cut myself and asked "what the fuck are you doing?", he was looking out the window while holding a binocular? He is strange. I joined him and lay on my stomach next to him. I snatched the binocular from him and looked outside the window where he was looking.

"She's leng man" he said dramatically and pretended to faint.

What an idiot.

"Okay, first stop with the road man language, we are in Canada not in the UK. Plus, road man language... it does not suit you, and second off all a better way to say leng is beautiful. She is beautiful, yes true I agree with you" he rolled his eye at me and roll over his bed wrapping the duvet around him. A evil plan slapped across my head, I smirk and just wait for the right moment. One he got stuck and wrapped up inside his duvet, I kicked him out the bed and laughed my ass off.

"ouch!!" he groaned, I jumped out of his bed and ran for my dear life. "you little shit! come back!!!" he shouted at me while trying to get out his duvet.

"ENZO HELP!!" I ran in my older brother who was outside and hid behind him. "what happened little devil?" he asked while picking up his guitar and skateboard. Ares is going to kill me" I whisper yell, he chuckled and asked, "Why? What did you do again?". He raised his eyebrows, I rolled my eyes and began to speak. "I kind of kicked him out off his bed, because he made himself a wrap with the duvet, and I thought it will be funny to kick him, and-" I cut myself and took a deep breath before continuing, "that made him angry" he shook his head and started walking towards his room and I just followed him like a lost puppy.


"Ahhh, please, please hide me!" I hid behind Enzo again, "why is this jerk yelling and running around the house like a monkey?" Mom asked entering Enzo's room, "Mom Help me." I fake cried and hugged my Mom "what did you do again?" she asked me placing her hands on her hips. I looked at Enzo then back at mom

"She kicked him off of the bed" Enzo replied laughing at me. Mom took a deep breath and slammed her palm on her face and in a blink I see my twin brother barged in Enzo's room slamming the door against the wall really hard.

"Ares!!" Mom yell because she hates when we slam the door, making me and Enzo laugh, "sorry Mom it was a mistake," Ares replied with his eye wide because he thought it was only me and Enzo in the room,

"I'm not spending no money fixing your damages Ares!" Dad shouts, "We are fucking millionaires- whatever anyways you!!" he pointed his index finger at me taking big big steps towards me, but then stopped because Enzo stood in front of me, "ugh I hate you all" Ares whined leaving Enzo's room.

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