New start

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Hello, small thing I am British so I don't know how this actually works so I'm guessing, plus I'm gay so don't come out here calling me homophobic ,hope you enjoy.
Swearing, some homophonic speech
Time: Saturday afternoon 4:00

I look at the piece of paper in front of me, it's got everyone's dorm rooms on it,along with what floor there on, plus door numbers.

While I look for my name,
I read down the list only really paying attention to the people I know.

Tweek Tweak - Clyde Donovan
Craig Tucker - Tolkien Black

They must've separated tweak and Craig because they know they're in a relationship, otherwise there's no reason.
I continue going down the list ignoring the names I don't know.

Eric Cartman and Scott Malcomson got their own rooms, Cartman probably complained until he got his or just lied and said he had a medical condition.

Stan marsh - Kyle brovloski
Timmy Burch -James Valmer (Jimmy)
Philip - Damian

Leopold B stoch - Kenneth mcCormick
Floor 3, room 9B

So I'm in a room with Kanny, he was a nice fella when we were kids, no one can change that much, can they...?

Doesn't matter, at lest I'm not in a room with Cartman, he woulda made my collage life hell.

3RD PERSON (with Kenny):

"Who the fuck is Leopold..." Kenny angrily mumbled under his breath, looking at the slightly scrunched paper in front of him, whilst walking up the stairs to the 3rd floor.
Once he arrived at the top of the stairs he started looking for room 9B.

When he gets to the door he see's a taller lanky blonde boy standing outside, in an over sized light blue turtleneck, grey ripped jeans and a really really goofy hair cut.

He seems to be fiddling with a keychain that Kenny suspected had the key to there dorm on it. Kenny walked up behind him, The taller blonde turned around.
"Oh hey Kenny" He smiled, Kenny gave him a black stank face. "'s me Butters ,you know from elementary and middle school?"

Kenny had his mouth agape and his eyes wide. "Oh my god you look great man!" he smiled back and went in to give him a hug to which Butters excepted. "To be honest, I'm just happy that you aren't some random pompous British fuck. You know you're first name is very misleading."

They both laughed for a bit before going inside. There were two rooms, a bathroom and main room. The main room was basically a kitchen, dining room, living room and bedroom.
It was quite big compared to the normal dorms, it was more like an apartment.

(I don't think I explained it properly so here is a pic)

They walk in to the dorm together and started to unpack there clothes in to cabinets and put up other small decorations they had, and by 'they' I mean Butters

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They walk in to the dorm together and started to unpack there clothes in to cabinets and put up other small decorations they had, and by 'they' I mean Butters. Kenny only had 3 pears of jeans and like 5 shirts other than that he just had his parka, where as Butters had loads of clothes, some hello kitty stuff and his laptop.

They also put up a room Divider between the living room and the beds in the bedroom area.

(The room divider in this case is a tarp or blanket hung from the ceiling, and now the floor plan looks like this )

 (The room divider in this case is a tarp or blanket hung from the ceiling, and now the floor plan looks like this )

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AFTER :late afternoon 5:39
They sat on the couch watching Terrance and Philip on Tv.
Kenny's legs spread across the left side whilst Butters sat on the right with perfect posture.

Kenny noticed the stiffness in Butters position." Hay Butters, loosen up, your sitting like you've got a stick stuck up your ass." Kenny leaned deeper in to his hand and put a mischievous smirk on his face." O-oh umm ok" Butters quickly began to move to try to avoid Kenny's feet on the small couch but still be comfortable, this made his movements awkward and unnatural, putting him in a more uncomfortable position then before.

Kenny noticed this and began to laugh "what the hell are you doing?" he said in between fits of laughter. "Like this"  he said swinging his feet behind him and moving closer to him.

Butters at the moment was hanging half way of the sofa with his arms stiffly holding himself up in right angle, his legs were crossed in front of him. In a wired attempt of laying down.

Kenny came closer to the goofy boy opposite him. He grabbed Butters legs to straighten things out but Butters arms made that very difficult.

Kenny now standing up is trying to fix Butters arms since they were technically locked in place. After Butters arms gave away his back hit the hard bit of the couch, it was an instant rush of pain up and down his spine. Kenny is on the ground practically dying of laughter.

Suddenly there a knock on the door. Kenny gets up and starts to slowly walking to the door, Making the odd joke or two. Butters rubbed his back laughing slightly.

Kenny swings open the door. "Hey Kinny" Kenny looked down slightly to see a very over weight, 5,4 pimple covered bitch, Eric Cartman.

"What do you want, Cartman?". Cartman looks up at him with a smirk "I heard you got put in a room with a random fag" Cartman say with a chuckle. "No that's just Butters"Kenny corrected. "did I stutter" Cartman continued "anyway all the other guys wanted you to come to a party Tolkien's hosting at his house, his parents are out of town". "What times it at" Kenny leaned against the door frame, "it's at 11, tomorrow","cool I'll be there, goodbye."

Cartman looked behind Kenny at Butters "oh yeah and don't tell Butters" Cartman whispered in to Kenny's ear, having to stand on his tip toes to reach."Why?"Kenny whispered back,
"Because he-."

Cartman stoped talking when he saw
Butters get up to say hi to him, when he got to the door Cartman put on a fake smile "hi Butters~ I haven't seen you in ages~", "hi Cartman!" Butters replied, Kenny felt like shit Butters looked and sounded generally happy for what, That penis head. Kenny folds his arms and looks at Cartman who give him the side eye.
Before going back to having his fake ass discussion with Butters.

Hay y'all the next chapter should come out sometime this week if not it'll be out next Monday🌝🌝🌝
Well I hope you enjoyed that because there's more to come 👁🫦👁👍
Word count: 1099

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