The party

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Sorry this is late y'all 🌝🌝🌝
Also it's a long one because I'm going on holiday by the time I post this.

Warning's⚠️ :
•homophobic language
•drug abuse

Time: Sunday night 10:45


"Butters I'm going out later and probably won't be back by morning, that ok?" I say whilst sliding on my famous orange parka, prepared to get super drunk, high and hopefully laid

"umm ok, but what are you going to eat? I was going to make dinner for us"Butters is so cute he's barley changed other then his appearance though even his appearance hasn't really changed except his height and small amount of hair growing on his top lip.

"Umm I don't know I'll probably get takeout" I knew Butters was a bit stupid but didn't wanna risk saying there would be food there, just in case he asked were 'There' was.

"Ok bye" Butters said waving hi hand before immediately going back to his laptop."Bye!" I slightly yelled whilst shutting the door behind me. Im happy he didn't ask too much questions, it's awful lying to him.

I run down the 3 flights of stairs and out the entrance to my getaway car aka Craig's car. He said he would drive me.

I yank the door open, flopped down on the new leather seat then I slammed the door behind me.

"The Fuck Are You Doing, You Fucking Idiot!" Craig yelled from the front seat and flipped me off, I ignored him and look around the car. the others in the 5 seater were Craig in the driver's seat, in the passenger seat was Tweek, next to me was Jimmy and on the opposite side to me sat Clyde.

"H-h-hh hay k- Kenny ready to have a m-m-major party and get h-h-hella bitches?" Jimmy happily said whilst looking at me, I smiled back and answered "yea of course I am"
After taking another look around I turned back to him "where's Timmy I thought you to did everything together", "o-oh yeah he said h-he was g-g-go-going to meet m-me there" Jimmy struggled to get out his words out. "How?", "h-handycab" we both laugh and look forward.

"You guys are so lucky your not in a relationship, I'm not allowed to do anything fun or Bebe will start being a bitch and threaten to break up with me" Clyde sighed and started to do a pouting face, I can tell he's just trying to get into are conversations.

"I-I Didn't Know You And Bebe Were Having problems!" Tweek anxiously yelled swirling his body around to face Clyde twitching a little whilst doing so.
I noticed Craig put his hand on Tweeks thigh to calm him down.
Tweek turn back and start jittering his left leg up and down.

Time Skip Cos I'm lazy:3

The car stopped outside Tolkien's mansion. I help Jimmy get out the car and get his crutches out of the truck.
Clyde, Craig and Tweek ran inside after Craig locked the car. "T-t-Th Thanks
k-Kenny you're a-a real pp-p-p p pal"
At the end of his sentence he gave a big toothy grin.

"No problem bro, you coming in?" I say whilst gesturing closer to the door. "No n-n not yet I'm going to ww-w-wait for T-t-Tim Tim", "ok bro see you in a bit" I do finger guns walking back to the door I swing it open and walked in.

It's crazy, people are everywhere there's blaring music and blinding, blinking light like a consort. I'm pretty sure every person in my age group I've ever seen is there, I push past the many people in front of me, I see Stan and Kyle run up stairs together 'wonder what there doing' I think sarcastically, The basement is packed so is the first living room that's right two living rooms isn't that crazy like wow,Rich people. I decide to stay in the garden.

There was a drink stand with larger, I grabbed one and continue mingling with people I've seen once in my hole life. Cartman comes out and walks over to me "bruh people are going wild they brought out the coke" I look at him hoping he's talking about what I think he's talking about "coke?" I ask with a smirk slowly growing on my face,"you know cocaine" he whispered, woohoo! Now it's a party.

I walk back in the house Eric following close behind. I look around the living room to the large crowd of people around the coffee table as I get closer I see Jimmy next to Timmy setting up a line of coke for Clyde, Of course he was the one with the drugs.

"DD-DDone!" Jimmy stuttered Clyde smiled he leaned down holding his left nostril and sniffed in up with his right, he immediately swung his head back and yell "Wooo!", everyone cheered "I'm Next, Guh!"  Tweek yelled over everyone else inching closer to the table, Craig was hugging him from behind. "TIMMY!" Timmy yelled excitedly at the top of his lungs and set up another two lines, then whispered something to Jimmy since he's the only person who properly understands him,
"uh...o-oh.....Yy-y your s-so generous t-Tim Tim..." Jimmy took a second before translating to the rest of us "so T-t-Timmy s-say that one's oo-o-on
th-the house, Cc-c c-cr -Craig" Craig smiled "thanx Bro" Craig said whilst moving to the coffee table as well,       
"Timmy~" Timmy smile happily then made his hands cover his face, I guess that meant he's was bashful or something.

Tweek payed and they both did there lines, "Guah!" Tweek did the weird shout he normally did and Craig groaned. Tweek's nose started to bleed and he started freaking out, Craig eventually took him to the bath room whilst comforting him.

With in the chaos I pay Jimmy so I can get the next line, it doesn't really matter about the money cos I get a discount for being Jimmy's friend.

After I take my line I feel a buzz I normally couldn't get.

After I started taking shots and by the end of the night I had slept with some brunette girl.

So next chapters going to take a while but I promise I'll make it good for the wait🌝🌝🌝
Word count = 1090

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