Home alone

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Hay y'all
Here's Another chapter sorry I forgot about Wattpad after my holiday.
Butters pov: Sunday night 10:45

I sat at the table studying on my laptop
"Butters I'm going out later and probably won't be back by morning, that ok?" Kenny say whilst putting on his orange parka.

"umm ok, but what are you going to eat? I was going to make dinner for us" I say whilst finishing putting my question in Google, I then look up at him, he's wearing his orange parka unzipped Over a white tank top and tight black jeans, I can see his muscles through his shirt, I quickly averted my eyes I'm not gay.

"I don't know I'll probably get takeout"
I don't want to seem clingy since I wanted him to stay so I just respond casual "ok bye" I say whilst waving him good bye, but inside I'm shitting myself my parents told me to never be home alone or I'll get grounded.

I look back at my laptop and here him excitedly yell bye back. The door closes.
I don't really know what to do now it's all quiet and I can't really focus on my work anymore, I don't like being alone that's when my imagination takes control and do stuff I necessarily wouldn't do that's why I normally distract myself with other things,
These are the times I need to take my pills, though I'm also one to take the occasional hidden vape break but that's for when I'm really stressed.

I wonder where he's going? No,no,no I need to stop being so clingy. No one likes clingy people. Eric told me that.

I go on my so phone and look at my friends list on instagram, I want to see if someone wants to come round cuz I've already bought the food plus I don't really want to leave leftovers or eat alone, and again I'm not allowed to be home alone.

First I call Eric, since that's what I used to do when my parents were having date night or something.
After a while of listening to ringing it went to voicemail. I look down at my phone slightly disappointed cuz this normally means he's mad at me for some random reason, though most of the time he just blocks me.

I continue down the list Dougie was the next name but I wouldn't want to bother him so lat at night especially since he's just started his last year of high school and is very stressed.
The next names Kenny but I'm obviously not going to call him.
After that there's Stan but the same thing happened with Cartman, the next is Kyle, same thing. Wow I must have done something real bad for this many people to be mad at me.

I go on my contacts and call everyone but my parents, Kenny and Dougie but no one answered. Till I got to one name. Scott Mallcingson. He picks up. This gives me a flood of relief for two reasons not only can I now why half are college is mad at me, I can also see if he's free and can come over, I like Scott he's a good guy :)

"H-hello" I hear Scott say from the other side of the phone, showing his stutter and lisp, guess the speech therapy isn't working.

"Hay Scott, how are you?" I say happily

"Ugh good I guess, what about you?" It takes me a while to proses what he just said because of how thick the lisp is.

"Oh I'm great, you want to come over tonight??"

"I don't know I'm kind of tired, and I don't feel like climbing up 3 flights of stairs"

"Oh but I'm making dinner and I don't want to be alone", the pitch in my voice starts to get louder.

" Jesus dud! Can't you just call someone else?" He spits into the phone.

"Yeah, that's something I wanted to talk to you about" I talked a pause try to think of what to say next." No one is answering my calls did I do something to make people made at my?"

"I can think of anything. Maybe there just at that stupid party." Scott say most likely not fully paying attention.

"Party?" What party I think to myself.

"You know, that p-party at Tolkien's house?" It was a statement but sounded more like a question with the way he drew it out.

Why didn't Kenny invite me??? Why didn't anyone invite me?? Do they even know I'm not there???

I here Scott going on some sort of tangent about how Clyde begged him to go but he said no.

But the conversation doesn't quite reach my ears as it is muffled by my thoughts and the constant flow of questions circling my head.

Why wouldn't anyone tell me??? Are they mad at me??? I must have done something wrong... but what?!?!??


Why does everyone hate me?? I Don't Understand?!?? What Did I Do?!?!




I'm quickly snapped out of my ear splitting thoughts by a very sassy and angry Scott Mallcingson.

"Were you even listening?!?!"


My face heats up from embarrassment and I look away from my phone,
like he could see me.
Dame I really need to take my pills....

SMALL TIME SKIP:Sunday night 12:45

After a while of listening to Scott's relationship issues he finally let me go to sleep.

I'm so emotionally drained, this sucks. I still have lots of questions but I'm to tired to think right now.

My stomach hurts, I didn't even get the chance to make dinner cuz Scott was trauma dumping on me for almost 3 hours.

I won't eat tonight there's no point now. I'll just set my alarm earlier so I can have a bigger breakfast.

I walk like a zombie into the bathroom.
I get to the sink and look in the mirror in front of me. Oh God... I look like a zombie to..
I put my hand to my face to make shore the person in the mirror is actually me.
I've got got bigger circles under my eyes then Cartman has fat, well.....that's obviously a lie but ummm I have no excuse. That was mean.

My hair looks like I've been dragged through a bush backwards, dunked in to a barrel of water up side down. Then shoved in to a roof less car with a tornado outside to dry it. Good thing I'm having a shower in the morning, even though I'm more prone to baths.

I start to brush my teeth whilst doing so I prepare a glass of water to help me swallow my pill, which I definitely should have taken earlier but it's better late than never. 

After I go back into the bathroom I spit out my toothpaste, wash my toothbrush and Put it away.

I grab my pill and put it at the back of my tongue then chugged the water, the pill slide down my throat with the wave of water.
After finishing my water I go to turn the light off. I lift the divider and Crouch under to get to my bed.
I drop on to my bed not bothering to lift the covers up

My guess is that there's going to be a lot of hungover people tomorrow.

I quickly drift off into a deep sleep.
Hay y'all hoped you in joyed this chapter
Word count= 1270

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