Rough morning

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Hay y'all I don't know if this will be out earlier or late because at the moment I'm in a very writty mood but that was the same with the 3rd chapter and that came out really late though I'm still very proud of it🌝🌝🌝.

With that out the way, hope you in joy this chapter.

Warning: possibly swearing, slight angst, Dirty jokes
Monday time: 5:00Am

Mysterion steps on my head pushing my face into the pavement. "You loss again Chaocs, you should really work harder" Mysterion says in his usual deep voice, looking down at me with nothing but disgust, eventually he removing his brown lever boot from the back of my skull releasing me.

I start to get up on the verge of tears. the first thing I do is wipe my bloody nose with my sleeve only smearing it across my face.

By the time I'm able to compose myself he's already gone though there's still the sense of someone's eyes on me, my guess I that he's hiding on some roof somewhere watching me. Like Batman.

I stare at the ground while I walk home, the rain soaks my hair and clothes. I drag my feet across the wet pavement kicking small rocks and pebbles in my path.

"Ere ere ere"

"What the hells that!" I think out loud, and flip my head around practically Breaking my neck.

"Ere Ere Ere!" It gets louder and louder.

I frantically move my body trying to find the Origin of the sound.


Oh yeah my alarm. This is all a dream.....

3rd Person:

Butters rushed to sit up. He frantically swung his head around making shore it was all a dream. He was drenched in sweat making his hair stick to his forehead and the back of his neck.
He hasn't had a dream like that in a long time.

Ounces he described he was safe he turned off the still blaring alarm, shore it probably woke up everyone else that was on his floor. After standing up to see the giant wet patch from where he had been laying down he decided to strip his bed.
Though he obviously didn't want to bring them down to the laundry room whilst covered head to toe in sweat, messy hair and wearing mixed matched pyjamas that consisted of a black, loss, long sleeve shirt and
Blue and green plaid short. He walked inside the bathroom to take a shower.

He turned the valve on letting the warm liquid rained down from the shower head. Butters checked the water pressure it was really weak but for the money the dorm costed, it probably should have been expected.(again I'm British I'm just guessing you pay for them🌝🌝🌝)
Butters shut the doors and began to strip down.

Whilst Butter stepped into the shower he caught a glimpse of himself in the mirror. He had lost a little weight since he was a kid but still had a thick layer of skin on his ribs and a little bit of a pop belly.
Thought to him this was the perfect shape and size for him.
because he was around 5,10 to 6,0 if he was any skinnier he would look like a lamppost and if he was fatter he would look like that evil dud for 101 Dalmatians, you know that guy that works for Cruela, the tall one.
In other words he grew in to his body.

Butters washed the newly placed
L'oréal shampoo out of his already damp messy blond hair. He used his hands to push as well as massage the water through his hair, forcing the soupy water slowly down his nude body. Butters tilted his head up words and shut eyes as tightly as he could to avoid getting the soupy water in his eyes.

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 23, 2023 ⏰

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