Chapter 1

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You once heard the saying 'Humans can uphold the law, but Gods can speak them'. And Gods have terribly loud voices.


The moment Jimmy's eyes landed on Tango, it felt like time stood still. There he was, his Rancher, standing in the tunnel that served as a passage way through the mountain, connecting the two parts of Tumble Town. Forgetting to pursue the pesky bird called Grian, who was running from the Sheriff, Jimmy stood frozen in place. Wondering if his eyes were deceiving him, as he took in the massive Witch hat on top of blue hair.

"Is that... is that...?"

Tango sure looked different from the last time he'd seen him, but it was unmistakably his former soulmate. The same spark of energy and bright beaming smile. "My Rancher!"

Whereas before time was frozen, it seemed to speed up as they ran at each other. He hardly got time to prepare himself as Tango lunged at him. Warmth engulfed him as he spun his Rancher around, pulling him impossibly close. They laughed and cried and held each other for what felt like forever, before letting go. Brown looked into blue and all was well in the world, if just for a moment.

"I've missed you so much," Jimmy whispered, hands grabbing Tango's. "I've missed you too," Tango said, a smile remaining on his face. He bumped their foreheads together. Jimmy closed his eyes and pretended they could stay like that for forever.


"Hey, Rancher."

Tango quickly grabbed the back of Jimmy's shirt, pulling him back onto the roof. "Tango!" the Sheriff shouted surprised," Don't jump-scare me!" He placed a hand on his chest, where his heart was beating wildly, eyes wide as he looked at the ground he would've splattered on if Tango hadn't pulled him back. The other chuckled, placing a hand on Jimmy's shoulder, sitting beside him on the edge of the roof.

"How was the Goblands?" Jimmy asked, not entirely hiding the resentment in his voice. "Good, dark mostly," Tango said," And kind of smelly." Jimmy chuckled. "Project Railway is a go," the other continued," fWhip sure knows how to build!" Tango couldn't hide his enthusiasm, he loved seeing all the Empires and their crazy builds.

Goblands was impressive, drawing Tango in like a moth to a flame. When the little goblin who was in charge asked Tango if he wanted to work on his new project together, he couldn't say no. that was before he had met up with Jimmy and learned of their history.

"He sure does," the Sheriff said flatly, a frown on his face. His eyes were on his town, not looking at Tango. The flames on his head died down as Tango looked at his former soulmate. They no longer shared a link, a health bar, or strong emotions. Sure, he was happy they no longer felt each other's pain or shared deaths, but he sometimes missed being able to feel Jimmy's heart beat alongside his own. He liked to think he still knew the other well enough.

"The Goblands are like an amusement park, with all the things it's going on," Tango said, looking at Jimmy's face to see his reaction. It was as he expected. The frown deepened as she casted his eyes down. Tango suspected Jimmy was beating himself up for not being an 'amazing builder like everybody else', as the blonde had said too many times before.

"Jimmy..." he said softly," Goblands may have great builds, but it lacks character. It's nothing like Tumble Town, in a good way." Jimmy looked at Tango, his eyes shining with uncertainty. "Tumble Town has something special," he continued," it's cosy, warm and calm." Jimmy looked like a confused puppy, it was adorable.

"Tumble Town feels like home."

Tango only now noticed that he had leaned closer, their shoulders bumped together. He could see the shine in Jimmy's eyes, the pink on his cheeks. He looked into his eyes, choosing his next words carefully. "The other Empires may be fun," he whispered," but I'd always rather be here, with you. I'd always come back to you."

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