Moon madness

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Scarlett's POV

It was the middle of the evening, and I was standing on a balcony at the spa hotel.

"I feel like I'm missing something... but what..?" I murmured.

Something clicked in my mind.

"Oh my god, Alex. Ugh, why am I so worried?" I asked myself, before starting to worry again "I wonder how he's doing on boney island..."

Screen cuts to Boney Island

Alex is walking around.

"Ok, where's the statue..." he says, before poking a bush with a stick. A mutant beaver jumped out.

"CRAP!" Alex yells, before a hook comes down from the sky and grabs the back of his jacket, lifting him up.

Cuts back to the present

I sighed again, before walking inside to the dining hall, where Alejandro was whistling through his nose as he ate.

"Ugh, do you have to whistle through your nose while you eat, Windy?" Heather snapped.

Alejandro sighed "Typical Heather." he tutted, before leaving.

Heather gasped.

"You good?" I asked her.

"'Typical Heather?!' He calls that a comeback?! It's like he's not even trying! It's like he's lost interest in me... No one has ever lost interest in me!" Heather snapped.

I looked out the window and saw the moon.

"I know how you can get his attention." I told her.

"Evening campers! Gather round the starting line for a big announcement!" Chris said over the intercom.

"I'll tell you on the way. Come on." I said, before Heather and I started walking towards the starting line.


We gathered at the starting line. Alex was dropped from the sky.

I gasped and kneeled beside him.

"Are you ok!?" I exclaimed.

"Yeah. High pain tolerance." he reassured me.

"Oh thank goodness..." I sighed, before realizing that everyone was staring at me. "Because, we have a challenge to win. Bring your A game." I added hastily.

"Anything you say." Alex shrugged.


Alex: Maybe it's because my grandpa's in the army and I work at starbucks, but, I kinda like taking orders!

Scarlett: Alex and I are just friends! Yes, he's nice, smart, funny, cute, *going into a sort of trance* and is an amazing musician and has those freckles that look like someone sprinkled cinnamon on his face and- *Snaps back to reality* Gah! *Shaking the camera* I want that tape back! Give me the tape! How do you open this thing?!

Gwen, Heather and Courtney yelling from outside: Nobody knows!


"Good news you guys! As a special treat, it's time for an incredibly dangerous night time challenge!" Chris announced happily.

"How is this 'good news'?" Gwen asked, using air quotes.

"Entertainment value? hello?" Chris said, as if that justified his actions.

"This one is going to be ratings gold! In a nod to season four's hunt for buried treasure fiasco, your challenge is to race to the far end of the island. First team to get all members across the finish line wins, and someone of the losing team will be taking the big flush." he explained.

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