Dedicated to @ScarLove608
Before episode
Chris looks at the camera.
"Ok, so, the lawyers wanted me to tell you that this episode has blood and mentions of abuse, so if you want to watch it, watch it, and if you don't, don't." he said.
"Ok, on with the show."
Alex's POV
I woke up, after getting hardly any sleep.
I got dressed and left the cabin to see my teammates eating breakfast.
"Glad you could join us, brainiac." Scott said.
"Please don't call me that." I said, rubbing my eyes.
"You ok? You seem tired." Scarlett said to me.
"Yeah. Just didn't get a lot of sleep..." I muttered.
Alex: last night I dreamt about my older brother Eric. Ugh. He always calls me brainiac just because he knows I hate it! It drives me crazy...
"Goooooooooooooooooooood soon to be painful morning everyone!" Chris said over the loudspeaker "Get your butts down to the Chris-o-seaum pronto! Today's challenge isn't going to hurt itself!"
"Hopefully this is a parody of the hospital challenge from season two and I can lie down all day." I said.
We walked over to the arena where the finale had been held last season.
"A boxing ring?" Scott said, looking at one set up in the center of the arena.
"Boxing?" Cameron gulped.
Scarlett: *Pumped up* Yes! I haven't been this excited for a challenge since area fifty one! I've done boxing since I was nine in order to get out aggression. It got out no aggression, but holy crap was it fun!
Alex: Yeah, I'm screwed no matter who I fight.
Chef came into the arena with Mike beside him. Chef was all scratched up, but Mike looked... surprisingly fine... Well, except for some bags under his eyes. Guess he didn't get much sleep either.
"Looking rough Chef! Had a run in with a big bad baby squirrel over on Boney Island?" Chris smirked.
Chef glanced over at Mike "That kid ain't right..." he whispered to Chris.
Mike walked over to Zoe.
"Man. Aren't you a sight for sore eyes!" he smiled.
"Greeting playas! The recipe for today's disaster is a hearty helping of season one's no pain, no gain challenge, with a hint of phobia factor for extra zing!" Chris announced happily.
"Not hungry." Scarlett said flatly, making me laugh quietly.
I don't know how she learnt to come up with witty stuff like that in under five seconds, but I want to learn too.
"Get ready to sink your soon to be missing teeth into the wheel of misfortune!" Chris said, walking over to a big spinning wheel with different silhouettes "The rules are simple. Spin the wheel and go a full two minutes with whatever it lands on. Win the match and you earn your team a point."
"And if you don't?" I asked.
"Then... haha. You're screwed." Chris chuckled.
Total drama all Stars
FanfictionIs this Mamma Mia two? Because here we go again! Chris McLean has dragged the cast back for yet another season of total drama! Scarlett and Alex are back, and ready to compete. And maybe win more than the money. Also, Mikayla has been Thanos snapped...