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The air filled the examination room. It was Namiko's one-week checkup, and both Ja and I sat side by side, waiting for the pediatrician to arrive. As new parents, we were eager to hear about Namiko's progress and ensure that she was healthy. "Good morning parents." Dr. Witty entered the room, a smile gracing her face.

"Good morninggg." I greeted her and Ja nodded, his eyes fixed on Namiko, He is obsessed.

Dr. Witty approached Namiko"Aw she's so adorable. How is she doing?" she asked.

"She's great," I replied, a proud smile on my face. "She's been eating well and sleeping peacefully."

"That's wonderful to hear. A well-fed and rested baby is a sign of good health. Is she having regular bowel movements?"

I nodded, "Yes, she's been having regular bowel movements. She's been wetting her diapers frequently as well."

"That's wonderful to hear." She took a moment to examine Namiko's weight and measurements. "Let's go through the checklist, shall we?"

Dr. Witty carefully listened to Namiko's heartbeat and checked her reflexes. She examined her skin, her fingers and toes, and took note of her overall appearance "Namiko's weight gain is right on track." She reassured us. "She's gained a healthy amount since birth, which is a good sign that she's getting the nourishment she needs. Her reflexes are also strong, and her skin looks clear and hydrated."

Dr. Witty continued her examination, asking us a few questions about Namiko's sleeping habits and how she was adjusting to life at home. "How is Namiko sleeping? Does she have a regular sleep pattern?" she inquired.

"She loves sleeping. She typically sleeps for about 2 to 3 hours at a time during the day, and at night, she can sleep for longer stretches, usually about 6 to 7 hours." I said.

Dr. Witty nodded, taking notes. "That's wonderful to hear. Newborns do sleep for extended periods, and it's important for them to get enough rest for their growth and development. How does she usually fall asleep? Do you have any specific routines or techniques that help her settle down?"

Ja chimed in, "Yeah. She love being swaddled before it's time for her to go to sleep and we play something for her to listen to."

"She's definitely a good sleeper," I chimed in. "She usually sleeps for a few hours at a time, and then wakes up to feed, and then goes right back to sleep. We've been really lucky."

Dr. Witty smiled "It sounds like you guys have established a great routine and environment for her. It's great that she's able to sleep for longer stretches at night, as it allows both of you to get some rest as well. Remember to always put her down to sleep on her back, and make sure her sleeping area is safe and free of any loose blankets or objects."

"We will." I promised.

"Namiko's eyes are looking bright and responsive, which is a positive sign of her visual development. Her ears seem clear as well, indicating no signs of infection or blockage. And her nose is clear, allowing her to breathe comfortably." She gently opened Namiko's mouth, examining her gums and tongue. She also checked for any signs of thrush or oral issues.

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