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Jordan's First Boyfriend

Kaz Brekker was more than used to meeting with the dirty officers of the Standwatch here and there, usually exchanging information and money under the disguise of greeting old-time friends, however, calling them to his family house was a step of a despaired man, according to Laura.

"I need information right away, Laura. Stop laughing at me, this is an important thing," he said, ill-humoured as his partner just chuckled from her place in the sofa of his study. "I don't know this boy. Can you imagine the awful things that he could have done already if you hadn't caught her trying to sneak out?"

"Kaz, I can imagine exactly what they would be doing if I hadn't caught her trying to sneak out," she said, rolling her eyes. "And thank Inej for that one. She was the one that noticed; good thing she was spending the night."

"She's too little!"

"She's fifteen, Kaz!" laughed Laura. "I got pregnant with her at fifteen."

Kaz suddenly seemed a lot paler than before he just sat there in his chair, glaring down at the books of the Silver Six and the Crow Club. He was beyond annoyed. He knew nothing but the name of the boy, because nobody seemed to know him, so he asked the Standwatch – at that age, he already had his own file, but apparently that boy didn't. And Kaz did not trust someone without a criminal record.

People without criminal records were 'too safe', they were the type of people to see something wrong and sell other people out because of it, they are snitches. His daughter being involved with a 'normal kid' (Nina's words) was hardly something that he wished... though he didn't wish upon her anyone that he worked with; those kids were slow, stupid and hardly the masterminds that he was at that age, they all sounded so lazy and ungrateful. Besides, he didn't like the idea of Jordan with anyone at all, normal kid or not.

"His name is ridiculous," he complained.

"Hanz isn't a ridiculous name, you just don't like him," Laura said, rolling her eyes again, lying down on the sofa. "Darling, it's alright to be jealous of your daughter, you want to protect her and all of us understand that, but talking to the Standwatch to get his criminal records, his school files and paying Rotty extra to keep an eye on her on the way to school is just too much."

Kaz sighed.

"You're right," he admitted. Laura smiled, feeling the great feeling of winning an argument filling her up. "I should keep an eye on her on the way to school."

All her happiness left her body and she groaned.

"You'll regret it," she tried to warn him.

"I will not. We're close. She won't think twice of it," Kaz dismissed.

They were close, that much was true to an extent; after all there's only so much a girl can be close to her father without giving him a heart attack, however his belief that she wouldn't mind him walking her to school was mistake. She wouldn't think twice of him walking part of the way with her, but the whole way... that was a lie.

And he found that out soon enough.

In the next morning, Jordan had her jaw almost hitting the floor as she fixed her uniform and stared at her dad already fully dressed, with gloves and a hat on as she started to get ready to leave the house in the rich neighbourhood they were living in (they were neighbours to Jesper and Wylan, which meant Uncle Philip also came to visit a lot).

"No," she said in absolute horror as she understood what was happening. It was a breath of air in the form of a word, terror so evident that she could barely speak.

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