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Welcome back, dearest readers. This chapter has been on the making for a long time since it's so long. A nice piece of closure and emotions everywhere. I hope you all like it, because this was very nice to write, indeed. Thank you so much for reading.

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Anne's Life Story Told By Scars

TW: Miscarriage, Child Abuse, Sexual Abuse, Violence.

5 Years of Age


Anne's red hair was so matted and dirty that it looked disgusting even while pulled back into the ponytail that she managed to do with an old hair tie. Harry's hair wasn't looking as disgusting, probably the dark colour saving it from looking as dirty as it truly was.

He was asleep beside her, or at least trying to sleep and being unable to do so. He was exhausted, and yet he trembled with cold. The fever was going higher by the second, but he was trying to hard to be still and quiet, hoping that if he fell asleep, he would stop feeling that way by morning – with some luck, even Anne would fall asleep and, this way stop trying to spy through the cracks of the door of the cupboard that they shared for one of the Dursley's passing by so she could, recklessly, beg for food. She was still sitting in the makeshift bed, knees to her chest and hugging them.

"Harry?" she called.

"Hm," he answered, eyes still closed.

He needed to sleep. He needed to stop thinking about how cold he was.

"I'm hungry," she said.

Anne couldn't sleep with her stomach grumbling like that, trying to eat away all her other organs. All of that because she had made the rags that Aunt Petunia didn't use anymore into a makeshift doll and had been caught playing with it, and now she had been forbidden from getting dinner and she was hungry. She was so hungry.

"It's locked, Anne, we'll eat in the morning," he said.

"No, Harry. I'm really hungry," she said. "Aunt Petunia didn't let me have dinner because she found Dolores. She watched you eat tonight, so you didn't bring me anything this time around."

"I'll skip breakfast so you can eat mine, alright?" he said, his voice was starting to hurt his throat to come out. "Now, please, Anne, lie down and go to sleep. I'm tired. I'm not feeling well right now. Anne, I really need to sleep."

"I'm hungry," she insisted.

She couldn't understand why her brother wasn't listening to her and doing something about it. He was her older brother; he was so powerful. He could lie and cheat the Dursleys like a hero, but he wasn't doing anything to help her, and she couldn't understand why.

And now, to worsen her situation, Harry wasn't answering her. So, she turned to look at him, pulling the small chord that lit up the small cupboard with the only lamp there and glared at him, but her eyes went wide in the next second. His eyes were rolling to the back of his head and his body locked in place, so tense and tight that his face looked like it was about to pop out, and then he started shaking.

Anne was young enough to not know what a convulsion was, but old enough to understand that her brother was in danger, so she did what any child would do. She screamed like her life depended on it, because her brother's life did; and hers and his were one life alone.

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 13 ⏰

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