~ E L E V E N | F R I E N D O R F O E ~*

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Chapter 11

Trapped, like a dove in a golden cage.

Yet there was solace in her captivity, for her prison was disguised as paradise.

Laila had refused to move, an act of protest as she felt the discomfort of her new abode.

She remained still in bed, her muscles aching to move as they began to grow exhausted of the stillness.

Perhaps if she pretended for long enough, she would awake in Al-Shujae.

A foolish thought for a sensible woman.

"You are indeed stubborn." A harsh voice suddenly echoed around the room, tight as it was haughty, demanding Laila's attention.

She found herself blinking when her eyes were forced open from a sudden light.

"Who?-" she began to question, sitting up only to see a short old woman standing before her.

Any words to be said were silenced as she stared in confusion.

"Who are you?" Laila finally asked, politely.

"Introductions will be later, remove yourself from this bed immediately." The woman pulled the blanket from Laila, immediately causing goose bumps to appear on her bare arms.

"Wait!" she stopped, attempting to pull the blanket back to no avail. Their conversation was cut short as a familiar face entered the room.

"Hafsa?" Laila stood from the bed, embracing her lost friend tightly. Hafsa returned the gesture, holding her saviour close.

"Where have you been?" Laila asked, her eyes turning towards the older woman who was carefully watching them both.
Perhaps she was a spy for the sultan?

"I will explain everything in due time," Hafsa offered a smile, her face seeming maturer than the last time they had met.

She turned towards the older woman who was waiting patiently for their greeting to end.

"Wash yourself up and eat." She ordered, leaving the room.

"Who is she?" Laila asked Hafsa, not used to being spoken with so harshly.

Since her arrival, she had been treated with the utmost regard.

"I hear she is one of the oldest working maids. The others say she was the wet nurse of the children of the original sultan. She has a lot of respect here."

Laila's eyes widened.

She was like a mother to the sultan?

"I was too disrespectful!" Hafsa shushed her quickly, embracing her again.

"I am so glad I found you Laila! For a moment, I thought I would never see you again" Laila smiled, a genuine smile she had not found for a while.

"What happened to you?" she asked. Hafsa shook her head, "First wash and then we will talk."


It's too early for this.

Usman thought; abruptly woken from his broken slumber by a shaky servant.

He had been summoned by the sultan. A rare order for this time of day as even Sultan Amir was usually courteous of time.

Usman sighed, his legs aching to return to the quarters he had spent the night.

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