~ O N E | P R O P O S A L ~ *

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Chapter 1

The proposal

We considered our homeland to be a place, and only lost ourselves whilst trying to find it.

An echo filled the room as the beating of drums forced her to awaken. It was bright, the sun relentlessly hitting Laila's eyes as she reached to shield her face.

She warily stood. Such commotion was usually reserved to signal an attack. Surely any conflicts would have been avoided after the surrender to their conditions?

Unless they had rejected it?

Laila raced towards the window, carefully searching for any sign of danger. Yet, where the eyes expected bloodshed, they were met with celebration.

Her people stood to the corners of the streets, making way for a fleet of horses with men in black clothing riding them. Their faces were masked, swords hanging from their sides.

Mesmerising as they rode, the beat of the drums framing their fluent movements.

Warriors, they were called. Conquerors of many tribes; an enemy rightly to be feared.

She gazed at the one who was leading the pack, his position signifying his importance. The rider suddenly stopped, eyes searching the surroundings. His gaze was predatory, forcing Laila's own heart to race.

This was the man she was supposed to wed?

Her body fell away from the window, petrified.

She was almost grateful when the door to her chambers were abruptly opened.

"They are here!" Wafiyyah pulled Laila from the window.

"Why are you shaking?!" She questioned in worry.

"I saw them Wafiyyah... They are exactly as people say." Laila heaved as her friend attempted to calm her.

"I need to get dressed." She eventually whispered, silent as Wafiyyah nodded and left to prepare the bath.

She sat alone, gazing into the mirror before her.
Her mother's beauty was incomparable, or so she had been told, whereas Laila only bore mundane features. Despite being complimented many times for her resemblance to her mother, she could not believe it.

Wavy brown hair and golden skin. Her eyes were dark, almost approaching the colour black. She found that when in the sun, they even slightly lightened to a soft brown.

Nevertheless, Laila's physical attributes did not matter. It was her husband's opinion that did. After all, he would be the first one to see her without a veil.

In the past, the thought of it was exciting. But now, she merely feared a look from such a man.

"It's prepared." Wafiyyah entered, ushering the princess into her bathing chambers.
Laila stepped out of her sleepwear and sank into the marble bath. The hot water was soothing as she felt fragrant oils massaged into her skin.

"To think you may be wed by tomorrow," Wafiyyah shook her head, pouring clean water onto Laila's hair.

"What do you mean tomorrow? Is that not too soon?" Laila tensed.

"This was a promise made in warful circumstances, there is no time for preparation."

Wafiyyah signalled for a lady to bring a large cotton fabric for cover.

"So, I will be leaving tomorrow?" Wafiyyah nodded, tears brimming her eyes.

"Yes. I overheard some of the elders speaking of how you will leave tomorrow, regardless of when the wedding will take place." The confession was almost treacherous, to know they awaited Laila's farewell as much as they awaited the departure of the enemy tribe.

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