S1E3: The Symphogear

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Y/n in his green Lantern suit lands on the roof of the factory and looking across at the mysterious Yellow Lantern armor villain as he stood there and staring at Y/n while Hibiki in her Symphogear along with the little girl stood in between them while both side stare at each other.

???: I see your new a survivor. Rather a new Lantern.

Y/n: You guess that correctly. Who are you suppose to be with the Yellow armor?

???: I am a Yellow Lantern, we spread fear to those across the galaxy.

Y/n: (smirk) Sounds like a villain to me.

Hibiki: (thought) Wow seeing Green Lantern in person is soo cool. Still I can't help but feel I've recognised his voice somewhere?

The Yellow Lantern turns to Hibiki and the little girl and immediately lifted up his ring and fired a blast that sent Hibiki back while a Yellow hang grabs the Little girl and have her hanging over the edge. She etart to scream while Y/n aims his ring at the Yellow Lantern.

Y/n: Don't you dare drop her.

???: Smart words. But that's not gonna safe you isn't it?

Y/n: What do you want from me?

???: Simple. Hand over your ring and I'll let her go.

Y/n: I don't believe you and even if your telling the truth, I'll never give you my ring.

The Yellow Lantern stared at him, almost like he is impress but still he drops her off the edge.

Hibiki: No!

Y/n flies down and summons a large green pillow at the bottom which the little girl land on safely without getting hard as Green Lantern takes her hand and place her down onto the ground.

Y/n: You okay?

Little girl: Yep! Thank you Green Lantern man, your my hero.

Y/n: (smile) No problem kid.

Y/n: (thought) Finally, someone is seeing me as a hero thing some threat.

Suddenly he look up to see the Yellow Lantern coming down and holding a large rocket launcher  which he fired but he summon a shield and blocks it. Then he gets punched across the factory and crash onto the wall. The Yellow Lantern turn to the little girl and was about to do something to her when Hibiki leaps down, gets in front of him and punch him hard in the face.

A blast sent the Yellow Lantern flying before Y/n flies out of the hole and summons a large hammer and hits on the Yellow Lantern with it. He falls extremely down and then crashes hard onto the ground.

The Yellow Lantern slowly gets up and shake his head and turn and dashes back as Y/n lands on where he was and then summons a sword while the Yellow Lantern summon his qnd the two dualed as they clash their swords at each other.

They move around as the Yellow Lantern kicked and punch Y/n and then grab him by the head and slammed him onto a oil tank. He then summon a rocket launcher again and fire a rocket but Y/n catches it with his large green hand coming out of the ring and then return the rocket back to the Yellow Lantern which hits him and sent him flying.

Then Y/n shots out a Green Beam from his ring, catching him and then pull him back down which he slammed hard onto the ground. The Yellow Lantern slowly gets up while Y/n walks up to him and aim his ring at him.

Y/n: Stand down. Your gonna tell me why you are here.

???: Isn't it obvious? It's every Lantern Corp for itself.

Senki zesshou symphogear x Green Lantern male reader: Songs of will powerWhere stories live. Discover now