Chapter 5

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Huening Kai and Yeonjun were walking towards the parking lot. They had completed their recordings so they were returning to their dorm whereas the others were still recording in the studio.

"Hyung, I feel so anxious today. I don't know why, I have a bad feeling today."

"You are tired. Must be why you are being so anxious. It is normal to feel anxious after such a busy schedule and all. Don't worry your little head on this matter, Hyuka."

Even though he was still feeling paranoid, he did not say anything. Yeonjun was already tired, so he didn't want to disturb him more. They walked towards their car.

Yeonjun and Kai sat in the car. They greeted the driver.
After settling in, Yeonjun felt something was wrong. He looked at the 'Manager' who was going to drive them home. He was wearing black baseball hat with mask covering his face. He looked different.

Yeonjun was close to his Manager hyung so he knew it was not their Manager.

"Who are you? You are not our manager."
At that question, Kai also noticed that Yeonjun was correct.

"I am a new company staff. I am close to your Manager. He was not feeling well so he told me to drive you to your dorms. He would arrive with the others."

Even though Yeonjun was still not convinced, hearing that he was a close friend of Manager reassured him a bit. He didn't want to question more since he was feeling extremely tired.

Yeonjun hummed.
Then the car started and they drove off.
"What is your name hyung?", Kai asked.
"My name is Eunhyuk"
The rest of the ride was spent in silence.

Eunhyuk gave them both water bottles. Hyuka drank half of the water from the bottle, while Yeonjun didn't feel thirsty so he didn't drink the water.

After a while Hyuka started feeling dizzy. He tugged at his hyung's sweatshirt.

"What is it?"
"I ammm noot feeling w-well", slurred Hyuka.
Yeonjun immediately sat straight and observed Kai.

Kai's cheeks were getting a rosy hue. He was sweating slightly. Yeonjun immediately told Eunhyuk to take them to the hospital. But Eunhyuk ignored him. It was as if he was on autopilot mode.

Still no reply.
Then Yeonjun saw that they were not on their usual path. Suddenly it clicked in his mind. He looked at the water bottle in Hyuka's hand. Yeonjun had not touched his yet.


'Eunhyuk' (Yeonjun doesn't even know whether it is his real name or not) abruptly stopped the car. Yeonjun was already dialling 911 but his phone was snatched and thrown out of the window. He started fighting with 'Eunhyuk'.

Yeonjun was definitely not going down without a fight. He would not let anyone take his maknae from him too. He saw Hyuka was barely conscious. 'Eunhyuk' was getting extremely annoyed and frustrated by Yeonjun therefore he whipped out his gun and pointed it at Yeonjun. Yeonjun was still being stubborn and was continuously cursing him.

Finally the man had enough and he shot Yeonjun in the shoulder and leg. Yeonjun's eyes went wide. He felt helpless. It didn't matter whether he would die or not but the fact that his dear dongsaeng, his maknae, his Hyuka would be in the hands of the kidnapper alone was making him feel heartbroken and helpless.

There was excruciating pain in his shoulder and leg. He fell on the ground. His eyes stung with tears. He felt disgusted by himself, he felt hopeless. He felt like he was a complete failure since he failed to protect Hyuka.

From his position on the road, he looked at Hyuka. The guy closed the doors and sped the van away leaving Yeonjun in the middle of nowhere to die.
Yeonjun felt tears rolling down his face.
And then he fell unconscious.

(Well, Yeonjun's further story would be explained in the plot.)

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