Chapter 19

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After the whole torture, all three of them were taken to another dark room with a single bulb hanging from the ceiling. It resembled a basement or maybe it WAS a basement.

Just as soon as they reached the room, Hyunjin scrambled towards the corner of the room, going back to his former pose i.e. curled up in a small ball.

Mingyu and Taehyung quietly sat down, not daring to speak to Hyunjin in front of the men.

They let the men put chains on them. The chains were the same length as before but the only difference was that they also had collars attached with chains on their neck. They looked like puppets being held by strings. After the last man left, the door slammed closed. Mingyu looked at Hyunjin. Hyunjin had buried his head into his knees with hands wrapping around his knees. He hadn’t looked at them at all after the whole ordeal. He had kept his head down even while the men dragged them into the room.

Mingyu gently but carefully approached Hyunjin, as if he was a scared animal. Mingyu didn’t touch him because he wasn’t sure whether Hyunjin would appreciate it or not.

“Hyunjin-ah”, Mingyu called out Hyunjin gently.

Hyunjin didn’t say anything. Mingyu tried again but to no avail. He looked at Taehyung. Taehyung saw his dilemma. Taehyung moved towards them.


When Hyunjin didn’t respond, Taehyung shook him gently. That got a response from him but not the one they would have liked.

Hyunjin immediately shrank into himself.

“No-n-no pl-please n-no more please I-I am sorry please n-no more!”

Hyunjin stuttered out. He was heavily breathing, trembling all over. He was having a panic attack.

Mingyu immediately backed away from him. Taehyung was also in a dilemma. He didn’t know what to do. He hesitated but tried to stop Hyunjin’s panic attack.

“Hyunjin... it’s Taehyung hyung and Mingyu hyung. We won’t hurt you. We won’t let them hurt you anymore. We are here for you. Take deep breaths Hyunjin”

Mingyu looked like he would cry. He was feeling terrible. Even if he wasn’t the reason for Hyunjin’s misery, he felt guilty. He again went towards him and joined Taehyung in calming him down.

Hyunjin had started to rock himself to calm himself down. Taehyung again tried.

“Hyunjin-ah we won’t hurt you...” he started to hesitate. “Do you mind me hugging you?”

Hyunjjn slowly peeked from behind his knees. He looked at Taehyung for a long time. Taehyung waited patiently for him.

“It’s ok if you don’t want me to hug you, Hyunjin-ah”

They heard a incomprehensible mumble from Hyunjin. It was so tiny and small that they couldn’t understand it.

“Can you say that again louder Hyunjin-ah?”

“I am disgusting” Hyunjin spoke in a trembling, tiny voice.

Mingyu felt his heart break. He just wanted to kill the bastard who broke such an angel.

Taehyung took a deep breath. “You are not disgusting Hyunjin-ah”

Hyunjin slowly raised his head. “Am I not disgusting? Don’t you feel disgusted by me?” He looked like a child looking at his parent for confirmation.

Taehyung shook his head “No! Not at all! You are not disgusting and We definitely don’t find you disgusting as well.”

Tears sprang into Hyunjin’s eyes. “Can you hug me? Hyung?” His voice cracked while he spoke. Taehyung immediately pulled Hyunjin into his embrace. Hyunjin sobbed into Taehyung’s chest. “What will I do hyung? How will I ever face the world? No one will accept me anymore”

Taehyung felt tears roll down his own cheeks. He tightened his hold on Hyunjin. Mingyu had been looking at them for a long time. He was starting to tear up too. “Can I hug you too Hyunjin?” Mingyu was ready to get rejected but instead of rejecting, Hyunjin extended a grabby hand towards him. Mingyu instantly went to the duo and hugged them both. They all cried into each other’s embrace. At that moment, Hyunjin acted like the youngest of all, like a child needing comfort.

That was the start of a really pure bond.


The room was mess. The chairs were thrown into different corners of the room, all broken from the impact.

The flower vase was thrown onto the floor. Two dead bodies of men laid dead in the room, near the closet. They had two bullets embedded in their heads, blood seeping through the carpets.

The photo of Seungcheol was placed on the bed as the man stared down at it.

"You didn't have to kill two of our underlings. Look at the mess you made of your room. You should control your temper", said Nathan. He was sitting on the sofa with a smug smile.

"Of course you will say that!!! You had your way with your 'kitten' but what about me!?!? I lost my 'cherry' because of the irresponsibility of these men. And you!?! You were the incharge of the key for the chains! What happened huh?"

Nathan smirked. "I surely enjoyed my time with my kitten. Oh... You don't know how..."

He got interrupted. "I don't need the details right now!!! I need my cherry. I also want to punish him, want him to beg in front of me... And you are going to do that" He pointed at Nathan. "You are going to bring him to me and kidnap some other idols too. We still need money."

Nathan sighed and rolled his eyes. "Can't I even enjoy my time while I think about my kitten? Why don't you do it? You are just jealous that you didn't get the same privilege as me, Dongwook"

Dongwook seethed. "You are fucking going to do as I say. It is your fault that I lost him. So you are the one who will do the kidnapping"

Nathan sighed and got up.
After the door closed, Dongwook slowly moved towards his bed. He held the pic in front of him.

"You will be mine soon enough, Seungcheol...

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