Chapter 9

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But bravery doesn't have a place here. It is to be crushed.

Nathan brought out his revolver and pointed it towards Taehyung. Taehyung's fury immediately dissolved out, instead it was replaced with fear. He moved back immediately.

"Let me explain a few things." Nathan said coldly. Nathan’s tone sent shivers down the idols' spines, it felt as though the temperature had dropped a few degrees. “You don’t get to demand anything from me. I don’t have to give you anything. If I want, I could leave you here to rot and no one would know until we sent them your bodies.” To say the idols were terrified would be an understatement. “You will comply with what we ask of you, failure to do so will result in punishment.” Nathan eyed each of the boys individually making sure his point got through. Do you understand?” The boys looked around each other before nodding slowly. “Good” 

Dongwook looked at Scoups. He then stared at the maknae of SVT, Dino. He was trembling with fear.
"Oh are you crying my baby? Don't cry."

Dino's pov

Dino completely hated hearing him call with that nickname. It was only his Jeonghan hyung and the rest of the members who were allowed to call him that.


Jeonghan and Dino were backstage. A camera was recording them. As they were bickering, Jeonghan asked, "Whose Baby are you?"
"Jeonghan hyung's baby"

Back to present

Dino felt his throat close up with so much emotions. He missed his Jeonghan hyung. He only wished that his hyung would wake him up from this nightmare. He wished that this was all a nightmare.

But it was not a nightmare. There was a monster standing in front of him. He could only bury himself into Scoups' arms. He knew his hyung would protect him. His Cheol hyung would never let anything happen to him.

3rd person's pov

Scoups' and Mingyu felt furious at Dongwook for mocking Dino. Scoups glared at him. Dongwook smirked at him. He bent down and moved closer to Scoups. Mingyu glared at him. Dongwook went close to Scoups' ear and whispered into his ear, "Are you angry my cherry? You know what...I would love to make you mine. You are quite my type."

Them he licked Scoups' ear. Scoups immediately jerked away from him and glared at him. Mingyu was seeing the situation unfold. He couldn't bear to see the creep touching his hyung. He moved slightly forward, in front of Seungcheol and glared at Dongwook. If looks could kill, Dongwook would be 6 feet down the ground.

Dongwook snickered and stood up.

Whereas Nathan's interest was averted towards Hyunjin and Felix. He moved towards the duo leisurely. Felix started glaring at Nathan. He hated Nathan to the core. His hate for Nathan was incomparable. He had touched Hyunjin.

Even though he was scared, he glared at Nathan. When Nathan tried to touch Hyunjin's cheek, Felix pushed his hand away. Nathan was extremely surprised as he had not expected the boy to show to show such bravery.

But as said earlier, bravery doesn't have a place here.

"Oh so the kitty got claws huh?"

He smirked and slapped Felix hard. His hand got imprinted on Felix's cheek. Hyunjin immediately pulled him behind.

"You are NOT to interrupt ME!!"

Nathan then looked at Hyunjin. His anger starting to cease. He again started to caress his cheeks. Hyunjin allowed it to happen because he was afraid of the outcome to his resistance.

Nathan slowly started caressing his lips. Jungkook was watching them. He felt angry at the man for touching the young boy inappropriately.

Then he grabbed him by the nape and forced him into a kiss. Hyunjin pushed the man and shrunk into himself. All the other idols were furious to see the other man taking advantage of the other.

Hyunlix further moved to the corner with Felix desperately clinging to Hyunjin.

Nathan glared at Hyunjin.
"I need to punish you for resisting me, but I will do it some other time."

Taehyung wanted nothing but to hold the duo and protect them.

Then Nathan looked at Hyuka who was being protected by Scoups and Mingyu. He didn't want to handle the kid today so he moved away.

Dongwook then moved towards Jeno and Jisung. They had been watching the others getting assaulted. Jisung was clinging to Jeno. Dongwook moved towards Jisung.

"Hey there, little one"
Jeno pushed Jisung behind himself. He acted like a human shield. Chanyeol and Kai were furious to see their dongsaengs being tortured and mocked at.

Dongwook then started caressing Jeno.

"My men were saying the truth. You actually are pretty.
I am not going to do anything to you but you need to select someone for today's session."

Jeno was confused. What kind of session?
Seeing the confusion, Dongwook said, "We need to make a video for your company regarding our demands but don't you think a little show would be super good?"

Jeno clearly knew the 'show' meant torture. He couldn't choose anyone just like that. Just as soon as he himself was going to volunteer himself for the torture, Dongwook interrupted him.

"Before you could choose, let me tell you, if you choose yourself, then Hyuka, the youngest of all would be the one selected for the show. Therefore, you might like to select someone else other than you."

Jeno was petrified. How was he supposed to choose anyone of them?!?

He looked at everyone. Jisung and Hyuka were out of question since they were the youngest. Kai was already quite injured. Even though Chanyeol was looking at him (so that he could choose Chanyeol), he wouldn't choose him because Chanyeol's legs were in a very bad condition. Taehyung was already beaten up and was injured, so he was also out of question. He already saw the way the men look at Hyunjin and Felix. Selecting them might be the worst case ever. Dino was already looking like he was on the verge of a panic attack.

So the only ones left were Mingyu, Jungkook and Scoups.

He couldn't bring himself to choose anyone of them. He felt tears roll down his cheeks. He looked at the three. He looked as if he was trying to apologise with his eyes.

"Did you choose?"


Dongwook smirked.

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