Heart's Symphony

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Amidst the tumultuous maelstrom of existence,
I find succor in your warm embrace,
For in your arms, my soul finds persistence,
And the pandemonium of life effaces.

Your presence imbues me with a sense of equanimity,
A love so idiosyncratic, it defies orthodoxy,
Yet, my heart is consumed with a palpable anxiety,
A predicament that festers with such paradoxical poignancy.

Should I acquiesce to societal dogma,
And relinquish this love, so rare and true,
Or defy convention, and face the stigma,
Of embracing a love that's met with so much taboo?

A love that's vilified by many,
Deemed unworthy by society's hoi polloi,
Yet, it fills my heart with a warmth so uncanny,
A feeling that brings me boundless joy.

But the fear of society's scathing censure,
And the weight of its crushing expectations,
Do I choose a life that's conventionally secure,
Or follow my heart's relentless inclinations?

I'm torn asunder by the thorns of dilemma,
My heart is beleaguered by this dichotomy,
For you, my dear, my love is a veritable enigma,
A puzzle that consumes my thoughts with such enormity.

Yet, in your eyes, I find my abode,
In your embrace, I find my sanctuary,
And despite the tumultuous road,
With you, I know I can face any adversary.

For love is not a facile trajectory,
It's a journey fraught with tribulations and tests,
But with you by my side, I'm emboldened with tenacity,
With an unwavering love that's put to the ultimate test.

So, I choose to eschew society's strictures,
And follow my heart's unflinching desires,
For in your love, I find true richness,
A love that's unique, rare, and pure.

Together, we'll traverse the turbulent waters,
With hands entwined, we'll brave the storm,
For our love is worth all the perspiration and bothers,
A love that's different, yet so warm.

So, let us reject society's pretenses,
And embrace this love that's worth all the fuss,
For in your arms, my heart finds true essence,
And with you, my dear, I'm destined to surpass.

Enjoy. Xx

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⏰ Last updated: May 10, 2023 ⏰

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