The Fun Day

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Leon's P.O.V
I hear the bedroom door creak and slowly open my eyes only to be blinded by the light pouring in from the corridor. My eyes finally adjust and I see mum standing in the doorway talking to dad, clearly unaware that I was still awake. "They are in the same bed Michael, that is not normal." she whispers fiercely, pointing to us without turning her head. Dads head turns, his eyes staring straight into mine. "They're just sleeping for God's sake, they were probably talking and just fell asleep." he mutters with a shake of his head, taking the chance to give me a quick smile goodnight before turning back to mum and walking off. I close my eyes as mum remains in the doorway, a few minutes later I hear her sigh before closing the door. I turn over to cuddle back into Jake. The room is once again pitched into darkness and I can only make out the outline of Jakes small body as he cuddles bear bear from against the wall. Just as I'm about to close my eyes he murmurs something and his eyes flash open. He giggles and closes his eyes again, immediately falling asleep by the sound of it. "Weirdo," I whisper with a smile and wrap my arm around his waist to pull him away from the wall and into the middle of the bed. My head lies beside his on the pillow as he breathes steadily, and I finally close my eyes.

Jakes P.O.V
Birds are singing along to the sounds of kids messing around outside when I wake up. A hand is tenderly playing with my hair, twisting it around and around gently before letting go. Leon smiles at me when I open my eyes, sitting on the edge of the bed already dressed in jeans and a t shirt. "Up up up sleepy head," he grins, pinching my cheek gently. "Awh whos got chubby cheeks?" he coos in a strange voice whilst playing with my face. He stops and goes off towards the wardrobe, returning with clothes for me. I pout and close my eyes, turning over to face away from him. "Are you still tired?" Leon asks slowly, ruffling my hair. I turn over to face him again, feeling guilty. "Its ok." I smile, moving to stand up but he stops me gently. "We can go some other time? Might be better to let your head heal anyway." I frown as he starts heading back to the wardrobe with the clothes and quickly drag myself out of bed. "Today," I smile at him, wanting to know where it is we're going. He gives me a happy grin before coming back to dress me. When I'm nice and warm in a grey t shirt, hoodie and jeans he walks me slowly down the stairs. "We're off," He calls into the kitchen, looking at dad rather than mum. "Have a good day," they both call as he walks me out the door. "Why don't they come?" I ask as he walks me in the opposite direction of the park. He glances down at me caringly, "They're busy I think." I nod, slightly sad. "We can still have fun though." he says looking slightly hurt. I nod and move closer to him as we walk. We reach a road with lots of different coloured cars passing and Leon takes my hand as I stare nervously at the road. "Don't let go of my hand,," he says, giving my hand a reassuring squeeze. He presses a button beside me and a few seconds later there's a beeping noise and the cars stop to let us cross. "Never go near there on your own okay?" he tells me sternly once we've crossed, leaning down so we're level with eachother. I nod quickly. "Promise?" I nod again, not sure what he means. He rubs my shoulder happily before standing back up. "Not too far now buddy," He takes my hand and we start walking again. My back starts tickling and I stop to try and rub it with my other hand. "What is it?" Leon asks, stopping beside me. "Tickles," I frown up at him, pointing to my back. He lets go of my hand and rubs my back for me, the tickling stops and we start moving again. "Where?" I ask, tugging on his leg.
"Not too far bud," he smiles, "Want a piggyback?" I grin and nod quickly, he stops and kneels down so I can jump onto his shoulders. His hands hold my legs as he straightens up and starts to walk. We take a left turn away from the busy road, after about 10 minutes of walking Leon moves me down into his arms, saying he was worried I'd fall off. We reach a big busy building with 'Toys R Us' above the doors and Leon puts me down on the ground as we get closer to it. "Shiny." I grin, looking up at the brightly coloured letters. "Very shiny," Leon agrees, ruffling my hair. We go inside and I giggle at a big bear sitting by the door. "Teda." I giggle again, Leon stares down at me smiling. "Are you hungry? We can look around after."
"Hunry." I nod. He awws before leading me to the back of the giant room where we walk through another set of doors. "What do you want?" he asks, smiling down at me as we stand behind a group of big people. I frown, confused. "Hunry." I repeat, smiling happily at him. He awws again, but smiles back sadly. A few minutes later he talks to someone over a big table, letting go of my hand to pick something up off the table. He points to a chair and table near where we came in and I walk slowly towards it, Leon following me carefully. He puts the stuff on the table before helping me climb into a big red seat and sitting beside me. "Thirsty?" he asks slowly, lifting up a strange thing. I swallow and shake my head. "It's water Jake, remember our bath?" I smile and nod, "It's what we were sitting in. War-ta."
"War-ta." I say, smiling. He opens the top and pours some into my mouth. "More?" he asks, watching me with a smile. I nod and open my mouth. A few minutes later he puts the war-ta away and starts to feed me. "Know what this is?" he asks, I shake my head. "You had some this morning." I frown, thinking.
"Bis-quit?" I grin and he chuckles.
"Close Jake, bis-kit." I nod and repeat it under my breath. "Bis-kuit?"
He shakes his head. "Say bis."
"Say kit,"
"Join them together. Bis-kit, Biscuit."
"Biscuit." I frown.
"Yeah that's it buddy." he grins, hugging me lightly before giving me the bis-quit. Biscuit.

Boom. Hi. Hope you enjoyed it :3 hard writing from Jake's perspective because he shouldn't really know any of the words he uses to describe things but it would be frustrating trying to describe it without using the 'big' words haha.

Random song either above ^ at the start of the chapter or to the side > depending what you're reading this on tehe.

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